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Supporting Nico V

Donación protegida
Amazing funeral for Nico, Joey and Christian delivered such powerful messages and Mr V did a great job running it and helping the family thru this tough time. A lot of people asked to keep it open as they hadn’t donated yet, so here we go!

On Thursday last week the Ventimiglia’s lost their youngest son. Nico was a great kid and we will never forget him. One of his favorite things was being part of a team and that’s the memory we want to keep going. The money raised will be given to help other kids who want to follow Nico’s love of football. Please donate what you can and help the family remember him with the biggest smile on his face:)

So amazing what this community is capable of. Thank you for all that donated. I raised the total, let’s keep it going.

All I can say is wow. This is beyond my expectations but I shouldn’t be surprised. The V’s extended family is amazing. One last push to 3k and then we will shut it off as the funeral is today.


  • Kathleen DeSimone
    • $125
    • 5 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Ron Baden
Tucson, AZ
Joe Ventimiglia

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe