Katrina Drew, The Twins, & TTTS
On November 29th, we were diagnosed with Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome, stage 1. Katrina was put on bedrest and medication, and returned a week later for her follow-up. At that appointment, we learned that the TTTS had rapidly progressed to stage 4 due to signs of heart failure in the recipient twin, and needed emergency fetoscopic laser surgery as fast as possible. We immediately drove from St. Louis to Cincinnati Children's Hospital and had surgery later that night. The surgery went well, with both boys starting to show improvement about 2-3 weeks following surgery. Connor (the recipient) had the more severe symptoms, with subsequent damage to his heart due to the TTTS. Katrina carried the boys all the ways to 36 weeks/4 days, far exceeding all expectations that had been set by our surgeons in Cincinnati. Both boys were born, with Timothy in the full term nursery, and with Connor going to the NICU with some expected and unexpected complications, including being put on a ventilator. We just posted our latest update on 4/4/13.