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Jo è una bambina sorridente, che deve fare tanta fatica per stare un ora al giorno su un tutore busto piede. Nasce con una serie di malformazioni scheletriche. Tra queste l’EMIMELIA TIBIALE. A Jo mancano due ossa, le tibie appunto. Il ginocchio va ricostruito, la caviglia pure...Non può camminare. In Italia l’unica opzione è quella dell’amputazione. Ma c’è ancora una speranza. In Florida, presso il Paley Institute, hanno già esaminato tutta la cartella clinica della bambina. SONO IN GRADO DI RICOSTRUIRE GLI ARTI e di FARLA CAMMINARE SULLE SUE GAMBE. Le operazioni e le fisioterapie, hanno un costo che si aggira attorno alle 500.000 euro. La mia famiglia da sola non può garantirle questo sogno, per questo chiediamo aiuto. Aiutateci a far camminare la nostra piccola Jo. Aiutateci a volare in Florida e ad affrontare il Percorso operatorio necessario. Aiutateci a regalarle un futuro migliore.
Jo is a smiling little girl, who has to work so hard to stay an hour a day on a foot brace. Born with a series of skeletal malformations. Among these, the EMIMELIA TIBIALE. Jo is missing two bones, the shins precisely. The knee needs to be rebuilt, the ankle is well ... He cannot walk. In Italy the only option is that of amputation. But there is still hope. In Florida, at the Paley Institute, they have already examined the whole medical record of the child. THEY ARE ABLE TO REBUILD THE ARTS AND TO DO IT WALKING ON HIS LEGS. Operations and physiotherapy have a cost of around 500,000 euros. My family alone cannot guarantee this dream, so we ask for help. Help us make our little Jo walk. Help us fly to Florida and face the necessary surgery. Help us give her a better future.
Jo is a smiling little girl, who has to work so hard to stay an hour a day on a foot brace. Born with a series of skeletal malformations. Among these, the EMIMELIA TIBIALE. Jo is missing two bones, the shins precisely. The knee needs to be rebuilt, the ankle is well ... He cannot walk. In Italy the only option is that of amputation. But there is still hope. In Florida, at the Paley Institute, they have already examined the whole medical record of the child. THEY ARE ABLE TO REBUILD THE ARTS AND TO DO IT WALKING ON HIS LEGS. Operations and physiotherapy have a cost of around 500,000 euros. My family alone cannot guarantee this dream, so we ask for help. Help us make our little Jo walk. Help us fly to Florida and face the necessary surgery. Help us give her a better future.
Irene Ceneri
Pisa, TC