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Zisa Family Tragedy

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This is the Zisa Family....Dane, Shannon and Adalyn. Dane and Shannon were married three years ago and welcomed Adalyn early on New Years Day, 2018. On June 2nd, Dane and Shannon were taking Adalyn for a bike ride as they often did at the close of the day. While waiting for the light to change, a car hit the three of them, while they were standing on the sidewalk. Dane sustained severe head trauma, numerous broken bones, lung and liver damage and so much more. To date, he is still unconscious and is in ICU. Shannon has a broken leg and a serious concussion. She’s recovering in the hospital and trying to get strong for what lies ahead in their future. Adalyn loved bike rides with her two favorite people. However, she did pass way in this tragedy... And our lives are forever changed. There is no way of knowing what Dane will experience when he wakes. And so....we ask if you can to donate to their future please do. Any amount will be appreciated. Prayer changes things and so our family would like to ask you to join us in prayer as Dane and Shannon face an uncertain future.


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    • 25 $
    • 4 Jahre
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    • 50 $
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  • Kristin Francisco
    • 50 $
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    • 25 $
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    • 20 $
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Shannon Zisa
Altamonte Springs, FL

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