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Braille Accessible Equipment For Danior

Spende geschützt
We are raising money for Danior who was born blind. Danior also suffers from epilepsy and two of the things he really enjoys doing is writing and reading. He wants to be an author one day. He also wants to develop audio games for blind gamers. Unfortunately Danior is getting ready to lose the use of his devices as he is no longer in school. We are trying to raise the money to purchase two different accessible devices for him to use for writing, reading, and also game development. He also uses these things as sighted people would use a computer. The unfortunate part is that these devices are very expensive and it will take an extremely long time to save that kind of money. We are hoping to raise enough for him to be able to participate in the National Novel Writing Month in November. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Brent Snyder
Harker Heights, TX
Danior Snyder

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