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Angels for Amy

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My name is Laura and I have set this page up for my sister-in-law, Amy. Amy is fighting a malignant brain tumor, and her journey has been a long one.

In 2009, Amy was involved in a serious car accident with a close friend and her husband (my brother) while trying to avoid a deer on the road. She was ejected from the vehicle, and a scan revealed two masses on her brain. Tumors. The first was a common benign tumor called a meningioma, but the second tumor located on the top right side of Amy's head (close to her left motor skills) was an oligodendroglioma Grade 2 almost 3. It contained a mixture of 5 percent fast-growing cells (malignant) and 95 percent slow-growing cells (benign).

After 16 months of treatment, Amy's scans were clear, then in early September of last year, she started having intense spells of ringing in her ears and numbness on her left side. An MRI revealed that the tumor had re-emerged, this time as a Glioblastoma Multiforme.

She had another surgery to have the tumor removed. After a year of treatment, her scans were once again clear but she now had a new battle to fight...Liquefactive Necrosis (or colliquative necrosis). Basically, the area where the tumor had been filled with fluid and was causing the left side of her body to not function. After spending 2 months away from her kids for intense treatment, Amy was able to go home on December 7 of this year. My brother has been working a full time job, having the house remodeled to make it wheelchair accessible (because Amy's left side is still not functioning), and taking care of their 15 year old son and 9 year old daughter. Two days ago, Amy was taken back to the hospital and tests have confirmed that a new turmor has formed and is pushing the right hemisphere of the brain into the left hemisphere, causing even more problems.

I am asking for your help so that my brother can purchase a handicap accessible van to help get her back and forth from home to her treatments (2 hours one way). The money will also help to pay for home health nurses to be with Amy and help her while my brother works.

Thank you in advance for your donation. Anything you can give is much appreciated. If you are unable to give, please keep Amy and our family in your prayers. We can use all the help we can get!



  • Jayce & Amanda Payne
    • $100
    • 12 yrs


Laura Garrison Bolt
Waco, TX

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