Ajutor Pentru INNA BURUIAN care Sufera De Cancer
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Salutare tuturor! Mă numesc Buruian Anatolii, născut în Republica Moldova, sportiv de performanță. Practic lupte libere de 15 ani și scriu acest mesaj, prin care vă cer ajutorul, susținerea, tuturor cunoscuților dar și persoanelor pe care poate încă nu le-am întâlnit. Sora mea, BURUIAN INNA, in vârstă de 35 de ani are mare nevoie de ajutorul meu ca frate, al familiei, dar și al vostru, ca oameni. Încă de la 14 ani a fost diagnosticată cu Invaliditate - Grad 2, urmând numeroase tratamente de-a lungul timpului, alături de medici diferiți . A continuat totuși să își trăiască viața ca o femeie puternică, așa cum este, urmând ca mai târziu să aibă și o fetiță în vârstă de 9 ani acum, Ariadna, pe care din păcate, nu cu mult timp după ce s-a născut a rămas să o crească singură. În urmă cu câteva luni ea a fost diagnosticată cu CANCER LA PLĂMÂNI ȘI FICAT. A urmat ședințe în vederea tratării bolii, la care medicii au intervenit spunând ca este totul în regulă și că poate merge acasă, urmând să țină legătura în cazul unor ulterioare dureri. A mers acasă și a decurs totul normal până săptămâna trecută când brusc a început sa aibă dureri, urmate chiar de căderea din picioare. Acum câteva zile a mers de urgență la un nou control medical aici în Chișinău, la care rezultatul a fost unul dintre cele mai neplăcute: În cel mai scurt timp posibil trebuie făcută OPERAȚIE pt îndepărtarea tumorii care s-a extins către cap, de la plămâni și ficat. În tot procesul acesta de a încerca să ducă o viață normală, pentru OPERAȚIA care ii este INDISPENSABILĂ în acest moment și TRATAMENTUL pe care îl va urma imediat după operație sunt necesari 70.000 €, sumă pe care nu o deținem, dar la care sperăm că putem ajunge și prin AJUTORUL din partea celor din jur. Întreg tratamentul va fi făcut în Italia și lipsa unei asigurări de sănătate face ca întreaga procedura sa fie și mai costisitoare. Vă rog prin intermediul acestui mesaj, pe voi cei care reușiți să îl citiți și aveți posibilitatea și dorința de a contribui la salvarea vieții unui om tânăr, să ne ajutați ca la sfârșit de acest drum INNA să își poată trăi viața într-un ritm normal, alături de fiica sa și de întreaga familie, așa cum merită și de asemenea merităm cu toții.
Hi all!
My name is Buruian Anatolii, born in the Republic of Moldova, a performance athlete. I have practiced free wrestling for 15 years and I write this message, asking for your help, support, to all of my acquaintances, but also to people whom I may not have met yet.
My sister, BURUIAN INNA, 35 years old, needs my help as a brother, în our family, but also as your neighbor. Since she was 14, she was diagnosed with Invalidity - Grade 2, following numerous treatments over time, with different doctors. However, she continued to live her life as a strong woman, as she is, and later have a girl, Ariadna, who is 9 years old now, but with which, unfortunately, not long after she was born, was left to raise as a single mother.
A few months ago she was diagnosed with LUNG AND LIVER CANCER. She attended sessions for the treatment of the disease, to which the doctors added, saying that everything was fine and that she could go home, and to keep in touch in case of further pain.
She went home and all seemed normal until last week when she suddenly felt a burst of pain, followed by the falling off her.
A few days ago, at a new emergency checkup that she had here in Chișinău, the result was one of the most unpleasant: SURGERY must be done as soon as possibly to remove the tumor which has extended from her liver and lungs to her brain.
During this whole process of trying to lead a normal life, 70.000 € are needed for the OPERATION, which is INDISPENSIBLE at this moment, and for the TREATMENT that will follow immediately after the operation, an amount we do not have, but which we hope that we can raise through the HELP of others.
The entire treatment will be done in Italy and the lack of health insurance makes the whole procedure even more expensive.
Please, through this message, those of you who succeed in reading it and have the opportunity and the desire to contribute to saving the life of a young woman, to help us so that at the end of this journey INNA can live her life at a normal pace, along with her daughter and her whole family, as she deserves and as we all deserve.
Hi all!
My name is Buruian Anatolii, born in the Republic of Moldova, a performance athlete. I have practiced free wrestling for 15 years and I write this message, asking for your help, support, to all of my acquaintances, but also to people whom I may not have met yet.
My sister, BURUIAN INNA, 35 years old, needs my help as a brother, în our family, but also as your neighbor. Since she was 14, she was diagnosed with Invalidity - Grade 2, following numerous treatments over time, with different doctors. However, she continued to live her life as a strong woman, as she is, and later have a girl, Ariadna, who is 9 years old now, but with which, unfortunately, not long after she was born, was left to raise as a single mother.
A few months ago she was diagnosed with LUNG AND LIVER CANCER. She attended sessions for the treatment of the disease, to which the doctors added, saying that everything was fine and that she could go home, and to keep in touch in case of further pain.
She went home and all seemed normal until last week when she suddenly felt a burst of pain, followed by the falling off her.
A few days ago, at a new emergency checkup that she had here in Chișinău, the result was one of the most unpleasant: SURGERY must be done as soon as possibly to remove the tumor which has extended from her liver and lungs to her brain.
During this whole process of trying to lead a normal life, 70.000 € are needed for the OPERATION, which is INDISPENSIBLE at this moment, and for the TREATMENT that will follow immediately after the operation, an amount we do not have, but which we hope that we can raise through the HELP of others.
The entire treatment will be done in Italy and the lack of health insurance makes the whole procedure even more expensive.
Please, through this message, those of you who succeed in reading it and have the opportunity and the desire to contribute to saving the life of a young woman, to help us so that at the end of this journey INNA can live her life at a normal pace, along with her daughter and her whole family, as she deserves and as we all deserve.
Organizer and beneficiary
Anatolii Buruian
Woodridge, IL
Artemie Ferar