Heyday Bars & Matilda Bay Wine Coolers
I opened Matilda Bay Food & Beverage Company in December 2012 with the purpose of manufacturing Heyday Candy Bars and Matilda Bay White Wine Coolers from the 1980's. Products to be produced will include: Heyday Candy Bars, Candy and cookie products. Matilda Bay white wine coolers (Original Fruit, Special Dry and new flavors), and Various Specialty beers.
I decided to open this company with publicly provided funds instead of going into massive debt to start up this company. So I ask for your help. It costs a lot to purchase a building, purchase equipment, raw materials, and train personnel.
I am proposing to fund company startup costs for my company from individuals!
Our company has a fantastic product that people will purchase! Our Heyday Bars are WAY better tasting than any candy bar currently on the market! Our wine coolers are fantastic! All our products will be American made! You will be investing in an American manufacturer! You will be helping to put Americans to work!
God bless all those that donate charitably to our business venture.
Here is the business plan I have come up with:
Phase I: Apply for business license, apply for trademark for Heyday name, establish http://MatildaBayFoodBeverageCompany.com Website and Facebook page, establish business contacts and receive estimates for building costs, machinery design and costs and raw material for production.
Phase II: Raise funds for startup. (Current Phase)
Phase III: Purchase/Lease building for bakery production.
Phase IV: Purchase & install equipment & offices for bakery production.
Phase V: Hire & train workforce for bakery.
Phase VI: Produce initial baked goods: Heyday Candy Bars, Candy and cookie products.
Phase VII: Purchase buildings for brewery.
Phase VIII: Purchase & install equipment & offices for brewery.
Phase IX: Hire & train workforce for brewery.
Phase X: Introduce new products.