Kai Fights FIP
Our 7 month old lynx point Siamese kitten Kai (affectionally known as "Kai Guy") likely has a condition known as FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). FIP is the name given to a rare, but almost always fatal, mutation of the common feline coronavirus (FCoV). Kittens are more susceptible to having FIP, as their immune systems are still developing. Once diagnosed, cats with FIP can die within days, weeks or a few short months.
Since we adopted Kai in May, he has had persistent gastrointestinal issues. We have done countless food trials and rounds of antibiotics with no success. On October 1, Kai’s health sharply and significantly declined. The vet ran comprehensive diagnostics which were highly suggestive of FIP. Our hearts were broken and we began to prepare ourselves to say goodbye.
After countless hours of research, we discovered a promising new treatment that offers a cure for this almost always fatal condition. This treatment is a targeted antiviral medication which must be administered for 84 consecutive days. FIP cats received this treatment in clinical trials that were conducted at UC Davis by Dr Pedersen and showed highly favorable outcomes. This treatment offers our sweet Kai a chance to live a full and healthy life.
Kai began this antiviral treatment on 10/09/19 and is already showing remarkable improvement. However, the medications are currently undergoing FDA approval and are very cost prohibitive. Due to the extremely high price of this treatment (approximately $400/week) and additional care that he has received to date, we would appreciate any monetary support to help offset the mounting costs. These funds will go directly to help pay for Kai to complete his full course of treatment. We have created this campaign due to the interest from family and friends in support of Kai’s fight.
Thank you for your love and support. Go Team Kai Guy!