Turning around troubled lives is our mission.
Please support: Spring 2024
The video shows a house that we purchased that was unfortunately burned down by arsonist.
Months earlier a quadruple homicide occurred there.
In the home four innocent people lost their lives; three women and one teenage male.
We decided to purchase the home in order to transition it into a “Hope House.” It was to serve as a Safe Place, one that would teach positive-mediation skills to help dissolve disputes, administer behavior modification, anti-sex trafficking classes, introduce community and health resources, as well as, be a fun place to have constructive discussions.
However, a week before we were to open, the house was burned down. It was suspected that neighborhood gang members burned it down, thinking that we would impact their dealings.
Well, they were right. We planned to do just that.
Our plan will not stop as we continue to go into schools, communities, and homes to teach our faith-based lessons.
Our goals are to do four things:
1) Push for every school system to have a mentoring initiative for high-risk students. This will improve safety for all other students and staff.
2) Encourage local and state legislators to introduce Bills that will make it mandatory for schools to offer some type of mentoring or Behavior Modification/ Social Emotional Learning Service instead of suspension for less serious offenses.
3) Enable our team to administer free Focus groups, mentoring, training and distribute our faith-based books and curriculums for free in many cases.
4) We will also provide positive entertainment by way of comedy shows, musical performances, podcasts, and dramatic presentations.
To witness how they can show understanding go to the “Testimonials” located at coopdveal.com
Tax deductible 501c3,
See YouTube video 2 mins.
Thank You.
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