2021 Aurora Pride Drive
Tax deductible
After successful 2018 and 2019 Aurora Pride Parades and a fantastic 2020 Pride Drive, we're pleased to announce the 2021 Aurora Pride Drive!
Share with your friends and family, give as you're able, and celebrate
with us on Sunday, June 13th, 2021.
Donation Levels
To meet our goal, donations of any amount are accepted and appreciated. You can show your support with as little as $10, $25 or $50. For those able to donate more we have the following sponsorship levels.
* Partner: $5000+
* Benefactor: $2500-$4999
* Patron: $1000-$2499
* Supporter: $500-$999
* Friend: $150-$499
Gwyn Ciesla
Aurora, IL
Aurora Pride