Randy's Toys For Tots
Donation protected
Hello , some of you may remember me from Thanksgiving Our Way! My name is Tasha Wells, I am a community leader and activist who resides in Richmond, VA. I reached out for help recently to be able to have Thanksgiving Dinner for homeless and struggling families, with your help we met our goal in less than a week. Because of your generosity we are able to feed up to 100 people this Holiday season. Speaking to these families, there is also a need for help with Christmas. The children's ages vary between 17 months to 17. Families are reaching out b/c they do not have enough money.
Myself, as well as some other people are sponsoring some families to help provide for the children but the demand is too high. There are thousands of non-profits in the city doing great work, but yet we still have a 20-plus poverty rate. In order to really have an impact on poverty reduction, and on improving people’s lives, we have to work diligently to change systems and policies. Montgomery County, home to Virginia Tech, had the highest poverty rate among Virginia localities included in the 2018 American Community Survey data. Its rate rose from 26 percent in 2017 to 28.5% last year. That was the ninth-highest poverty rate among the counties. Other Virginia localities with poverty rates above 20% were Richmond, Lynchburg and Roanoke. There are local toy drives here but the cut off date to apply has been reached.
Salvation Army who does Angel Tree closed their list this year on October 11, 2019 and they provide for children up to 17.
Radio One does Toys for Tots. The cut off date for this toy drive is today and they only supply items to children who are 13 and younger.
Some parents will be able to make the deadline today, but most will not due to the demands of work and everyday life. Then there are those who have children older than the assistance is for. Right now we have approximately 25 families that we will be assisting with an average of 2 children living in the household. This number may go up after Thanksgiving Dinner. On the low end , it will cost a family of 4 approximately $499 in Christmas gifts. On average a family of 4 spends $500-$999 on Christmas.We are asking for a little over $100 per family. This will not only assist in Christmas items but food as well.
Read More: https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/1112/average-cost-of-an-american-christmas.aspx
I'm reaching out today for your help! PLEASE assist me in allowing these children to be able to wake up with toys under their trees. Parents are struggling to make ends meet. Our deadline is December 14, 2019. Children should never feel the struggle that parents are going thru. Children should just be able to be children... wake up , see the toy filled tree and have a ball! Our families are very appreciative and appreciate anything that we can do for them. They are not expecting the world just a little assistance.
Here is an email from one of the parents: On Sat, Nov 9, 2019, 11:36 PM (doesn't want to be named)> wrote: Thank you for the clothes and food! My only other thing is could you maybe put out a request for blankets , pillows and Christmas , we've been sharing and also 10/12 boys clothes and size 3 shoes. But don’t put for me publicly if so. I saw your post for stuff but i think through someone else I'll end up with gloves and stuff for the kids so I don’t want to take from anyone else. It's hard to find help. I'm glad you started that page because at one point I really really struggled with no income at all and some social service and other people make you feel like you’re are supposed to know. I ended up crying in social services downtown because the lady told me my only option was to foster my kids until I got a job and why didn’t I do A B and C before coming there and while crying I said I need help and in trying to find help everyone says homeless point of entry (which doesn’t help immediately and isn’t comforting at all you are just client to them) and social services so here I am. My biggest thought in it all was that there is no handbook or guidelines to being homeless or struggling and not everybody has the same background and support.. Thanks!
Don't forget to check us out on Facebook "Resources for Homeless and Struggling Families" Become a member! Our Thanksgiving dinner will not only be dinner. Just like the name of my group , we will be a Resource Center as well. I will have a clothes closet, where parents are able to "fill up a bag" with the things they need, I will also be providing food to take home. We will be providing toiletries. This will also be our first time starting our version of Angel Tree. Parents will be able to fill out a "Santa's Boot" with their children's name, age , size of clothes and shoes and their wish list for their child's favorite toy item and those things will be distibuted at our Christmas dinner planned for December 21, 2019. Please be a blessing to these families and help me put a smile on their faces Christmas morning . Thank you in advance for your kindness!
Tasha Wells
Richmond, VA