Musicians of St. Augustine
The cancellation of countless events and performances around the city of St. Augustine has musicians on the edge of not being able to make ends meet. Bars are closed, alcohol sales are banned, and gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited. This pandemic will be an economic burden to us all, particularly for those in the entertainment business. This fundraiser is designed to recoup the revenue lost in the next 30 days and possibly beyond. Based on the final amount raised, money will be dispersed according to need of the musician. This is for musicians living in the vicinity of the city of St. Augustine who do not have another source of income and are in dire need of financial assistance.
Music is the sole source of income for many musicians in this city and if I can encourage the community to help in any way, I will. As a musician myself I know that the job is hard enough already.. you have to be your own roadie, soundman, accountant, marketing consultant, and booking agent. Many hours are spent behind the scene to make a living at this profession. As of now, deposits for big events must now be refunded and very few venues are compensating musicians for cancelled performances. If you can please consider donating so that this next month is a little less stressful for many artists that live gig to gig.
***Application for funds is now closed due to the high volume of applicants.***