GD Int'l of US & Canada Literacy Project (GDI)
We are a Registered 501c3 Nonprofit Organization. Our main goal and objective is to bring about "Positive Change" in the lives of GaDangme people by promoting educational, economic, and health development projects and programs in the underprivileged areas of South Eastern Ghana (GaDangme Land). We also advocate for stronger networks between GaDangme Civil Societies, promote the GaDangme language, and uphold our customs and traditions overseas. GDI website: https://www.onegdi.org GDI email Address: [email redacted]
This year's Virtual Annual Conference, May, 29th 2021, is tailored towards raising Funds to support our LANGUAGE in all manner of shape or form because it is facing an existential threat both from within and without. A portion of the Funds raised shall also be earmarked for poverty alleviation through supporting of Yei Henumɔ Kpee.
It is of interest to note here that our GoFundMe objective for last year 2020 included the GaDangme Students Association of Legon University (GADASA) and Korle BU Children’s Cancer Ward, this is in addition to IQ Concept and Yei Henumɔ Kpee.
IQ Concepts
The community Ga literacy project is an IQ CONCEPTS initiative designed to help GaDangme People to learn to read and write Ga. The project makes use of a specially designed curriculum Strategically developed to achieve this objective within eight weeks. To achieve this, community Literacy groups have been formed in communities such as Odorkor, Kwashieman, Aplaku, Ngleshie-Amanfro, Bortianor, Oshiyie, Kokrobite, Langma and Danchira. Volunteers are sent on Weekly basis to teach these groups, the number of volunteers sent depends on the size of the Class and educational background of beneficiaries. All these with the objective of covering all Ga speaking communities in Ghana. Through this project over 500 participants have been taught to read and write in GaDangme. The GDI Council of Reps voted to assist IQ Concept in the effort of producing their Video Tutorials for Ga Literacy and Reading Project.
Yei Henumɔ Kpee was born out of deep concern to help shape the lives of children drowning due to poverty, waywardness, early pregnancy, school dropout and other social vices. The female individuals are equipped with skills in catering, hair dressing, sewing and home making, while the male participants are trained in the field of mechanics and fitting shop skills. It started as Ashiedu Keteke vocational skill initiative at Ga Mashie in the year 2000 to assist girls and boys who are no longer able to continue with mainstream education, and so far, about 250 girls and boys have acquired training and now working on their own. Students who finish their training are able to continue at IOC to polish up their skills and receive certificates. The GDI Council of Reps voted to provide necessary support when it is within the means.
GaDangme Uprising!
GDI will NOT Shy away!