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Help Give Back To The Community

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I am a Tik Tok Influencer that has been challenging my community with math question challenges, and if they get the question right they have five seconds to pick whatever they want. I have been getting a lot of love and respect from the community and I have been seeing a lot happy faces, the best thing about it, some customers even exchange products for money and food, and I would love to keep helping and putting a smile on more faces and I hope to inspire others to always be kindhearted. Thank you ❤️ ALL withdrawals will go through my personal account and will be taken out in order to buy products for customers in need who participate in the challenges, as well as small money donations for those who could use a little money. Food will also be purchased with the money for those who need it


  • Aurelie Nollet
    • $10
    • 4 yrs


Ahmed Alwan
Bronx, NY

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt