The Tragic Loss Of 3 Beautiful Souls
My family and I have lost 3 of our family members unexpectedly last night 2/21/2020. They were hit head on by a semi that crossed the median. I want to believe that their death was instantaneous so they did not have to suffer until their last breath. Betty Davis is my cousin and she worked really hard all her life. She loved her family with all her heart and would give anyone the shirt off her back. She raised 2 beautiful daughters. One of which was with her and was killed as well, Amanda Kidwell. Amanda was the same bright shining star. Amanda's 2 little kids were with them, Brayden 6 and Adrina 8. Brayden also tragically was killed and Adrina is in the hospital in ICU in critical condition. Anything will help. We just want to give them a final resting place. Thank you in advance. God bless.