Track my Clothing- Ethical & Sustainable
Donation protected
I realise these are hard times, but here is something fun that you can be a part of that will help people's lives as well as the Environment.
Donations over £20 ($40aud) will recieve an Organic Cotton T-Shirt with a secret Screen Printed Design on the front valued at £35 ($70aud)
Hi my name is Josh. In 2015 I decided to create an Ethical clothing brand called Tweedy Clothing. The idea behind the brand was to source sustainable materials made in ethical working conditions, meaning that the workers are paid a fare wage that allows them to live a happy healthy life.
Instead of going through an already existing Ethical charity where most of the money is dissolved in admin and marketing costs, my partner Cacey and I decided to go to the source, go to India, find a like minded Tailor we could work with to create our fabulous designs. After many failed attempts or many lessons being learnt, we found our Tailor who we set out to support and improve not only his life, but his workers lives as well. Since then, almost 5 years on, we have cemented a great relationship with our Tailor and his workers, whom we visit twice a year and have built up not only a working relationship, but a special friendship as well. Most recently with the help of our Tailor we have managed to source the finest of Organic Fabric.
Money well spent- The money will part fund us to go over to India, filming along the way, we will personally go to the source, meet the men and women that farm the cotton, give you an insight into there lives, where possible we will improve there lives, sharing our experience with you on Instagram & facebook through pictures, filming, writing, so it feels as though you are there with us.
Your donation will help us purchase the material from the Mill, transport it to be dyed, where together we will see the dying process, meet the people who's job it is to dye the material, spend sometime getting to know them and there situation, finding out what they get paid and how that allows them to live. If it needs improving we will workout the best way to ensure those people are left living a happy life where they are paid fairly for there hardwork.
Following the now milled, dyed material to our Tailors factory, we will show you how your amazing Tweedy Clothing is designed, cut, stitched and finished. You will get the chance to meet our amazing friends, be invited into there homes, meet there family, get a real insight into what it's like to live and work in India as a Tailor that is paid a fair wage.
Helping us to do this will mean in the future, not only you will know exactly where your Yoga Pants originated, the people that helped create them, so will our new customers, allowing them to share in a brand that is truly Ethical, Sustainable and completely transparent.
Josh Bland