2000 Rep Pull Up Challenge for Jigsaw
I'm raising money in aid of Jigsaw, the National Centre For Youth Mental Health Limited
Sunday, September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day.
Fitness has been associated with improving mental health. Some gyms leaned heavily on this when they were forced to close during lockdowns a few years ago.
While I am a fan of fitness helping with some mental health issues (and it's certainly helped me), increasing endorphins and being a part of a community, I feel that just telling someone to go to the gym is not going to solve the root of the problem or even the first step.
It can't be a one-size-fits-all approach.
As personal trainers, we can only rely on our experience, provide a welcoming environment and set goals for our members to help them focus and feel good in the gym. But that may not be enough for someone struggling with their mental health. Personal trainers are not experts in the field of mental health.
So this challenge is more about talking to the experts and raising money for Jigsaw.
Mental health is a much more complicated issue than banging out a few push-ups and pull-ups to feel better. Ask for help. You are not alone.
Even something like doing this pull-up challenge or running a marathon, while it may look like an individual sport, is usually done with a support network and guidance.
Asking for help is ok.
More information about National Centre For Youth Mental Health Limited: We are Jigsaw, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health. We believe a better life is possible for the hundreds and thousands of young people across Ireland facing mental health difficulties. We offer a listening ear, and give expert advice and support to young people aged twelve to twenty five. We give families, teachers, and those who support young people's mental health ways to cope, and skills to be there for young people. We make sure that youth mental health is a national, and local priority.
Seán Coffey
County Kildare
National Centre For Youth Mental Health Limited