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2018 -My Jewish Story Is For Life!

Donación protegida
Project TEHILLIM - Dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the Salvation of Bulgarian Jews

My Project 

The year 2018 marks a great anniversary: 75 Years from the salvation of Bulgarian Jews during WW II, a fact little known to the rest world. In 1943, at the time of the most horrific human atrocity ever committed, the annihilation of European Jews, my native country, Bulgaria, defied Hitler and saved all 50 000 of its Jews, among which was my own family!

We, the survivors are dedicating our artistic activities throughout the year with three major music events to mark this historic occasion.

My name is Anna Levy, I am Jewish, a native of Bulgaria, my story is about life and not death! My family did not endure the Holocaust. Today I am standing here alive because I was saved, and today I am saying:


As a professional musician with DMA from Moscow Conservatory and as an artistic director of Yarilo Contemporary Music Society, I am turning to you for help! We need to make these events happen! All funds will go towards performance expenses: musicians fees (over 30 musicians are involved in the three concerts), theatre rental,  scores, and instrument rentals.

Telling the story of the salvation of the Bulgarian Jews will have an enormous impact: what happened can never be forgotten or kept "buried" somewhere deep inside history's channels!


Concert 1 - " Lest we forget..." April 8th, at the Norman Rothstein Theatre in the Jewish Community Centre, Vancouver.

Concert 2 - Tehillim 1 - May 27th, Orpheus Annex, Vancouver

Concert 3 - Tehillim 2 - October 14th, Orpheus Annex, Vancouver


  • Patra Kwan
    • $150
    • 7 años
  • Burquest Jewish Community Shoshana Szlatcher
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 7 años
  • Roumiana Ilieva
    • $50
    • 7 años
  • Radev Trade
    • $50
    • 7 años
  • Dianne Kilback
    • $50 (Offline)
    • 7 años

Organizador y beneficiario

Anna Levy
Port Moody, BC
Robert Simons

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