2018MHA Nation Tribal Revenue Audit
Donation protected
MHA Nation Disbursements FYI
Seeking and need tribal membership help to retain attorney for an audit.
Our goal in unity as Mandan, Hidatsa & Arikara Nation Tribal Members is to reach $15,000 to retain the attorney needed for our cause in accomplishing a "tribal revenue audit" so that we will be able to see clearly and exactly how our money is being spent. As of now we have no true audit reports given to us as equal shareholders of our Fort Berthold Indian Reservation by our elected tribal business council members and it is a strong concern as we are left in the dark intentionally as to how all of the large amounts of tribal revenues are being spent by them.
The Tribal Business Council did not want to give anyone a disbursement, as a matter of fact the MHA Nation Tribal Member's Disbursements are not even a priority to the tbc as disbursements are not included in the budget and now to not have to pay out so much the tbc is deducting from all of our disbursements without our vote. These disbursements are the tribal members only true benefit from the tribal revenues that the tribe gives every tribal member somewhat equally. We are also deducted a disbursement where we use to receive 4 disbursements a year, but were dropped to 3 starting this year where the tbc claimed oil prices dropped as to reason why, but even though oil prices are soaring again there is no mention of returning the disbursement that was taken.
A little history, if it were not for Verdell Thunderhorse and myself facing the tbc for these disbursements for our tribal members these disbursements would not have ever existed. We confronted the concerns of how our tribal members were disenfranchised as the tbc were spendthrifting the tribal revenues when the large amounts came pouring in, meanwhile nothing was being done to benefit tribal members until we stood our ground to assure our tribal membership received disbursements.
We have tried continuously over and over again to make our tbc leaders accountable, transparent and to put the appropriate "checks & balances" into our laws legally, but have miserably failed due to the tbc's intentional dictation over our tribal government so that they can continue to spend our tribal revenues. The tbc has accomplished placing themself into our elected tbc seats, tribal government branch seats, committees, boards, etc, all while not being qualified or educated or experienced to be placed in those positions. We need to see just how many salaries are collected by each tbc member and just how much they are collecting while we as tribal members rarely get the opportunity to meet with them.
As a result for standing up for our tribal rights, we were faced with retaliation. We put up with a lot of poor, negative, hostile and very unprofessional treatment. No other tribal member stood beside us in these tbc meetings except my mother, because retaliation was at its best and given by the tbc back then. Not too many tribal members were aware or educated in their tribal rights, but today we as tribal members have overcome this. We know what is going on now and want the painted picture of an audit on all tribal revenues to see why our tribal members are not being treated or benefitting equally from our tribal government.
So with that, I am hoping the tribal members can help retain an attorney for an audit on all tribal revenues to stop the corruptive spending by the tbc that is still unwanted by tribal members today. Together we can take the stand to stop it and take actions to prevent it for our future.
In the event we do not make the $15,000 I will mail everyone's money back to them and am praying that we will not have to take this route.
I am doing all of this and asking for your help so that our tribal members and especially our children will not have to suffer anymore from such tribal leader dictation. I want all of us to be able to work together to revise the constitution, implement the ethics, complete an audit on tribal revenues every year, vote together on a budget, make everything an equal benefit for everyone within our tribal government and to see everyone prosper equally, but am waiting for more support to accomplish all of this.
Our children's future truly depends on our actions taken together to fix this now.
I figure if only 300 tribal members support this by giving $50 each we can reach our goal.
Also asking for everyone who is MHA Nation Enrolled and 18 years or older to please email me or Facebook message me or mail me your:
"Name, Current Mailing Address and Email Address"
Doreen Lyons
PO Box 7272
Bismarck ND 58507
[email redacted]
Doreen Lyons on Facebook Messenger
A'ho for all your care & support into our future! There is a lot to be done, but cannot be done by just one, help each other out.
Doreen Lyons
Seeking and need tribal membership help to retain attorney for an audit.
Our goal in unity as Mandan, Hidatsa & Arikara Nation Tribal Members is to reach $15,000 to retain the attorney needed for our cause in accomplishing a "tribal revenue audit" so that we will be able to see clearly and exactly how our money is being spent. As of now we have no true audit reports given to us as equal shareholders of our Fort Berthold Indian Reservation by our elected tribal business council members and it is a strong concern as we are left in the dark intentionally as to how all of the large amounts of tribal revenues are being spent by them.
The Tribal Business Council did not want to give anyone a disbursement, as a matter of fact the MHA Nation Tribal Member's Disbursements are not even a priority to the tbc as disbursements are not included in the budget and now to not have to pay out so much the tbc is deducting from all of our disbursements without our vote. These disbursements are the tribal members only true benefit from the tribal revenues that the tribe gives every tribal member somewhat equally. We are also deducted a disbursement where we use to receive 4 disbursements a year, but were dropped to 3 starting this year where the tbc claimed oil prices dropped as to reason why, but even though oil prices are soaring again there is no mention of returning the disbursement that was taken.
A little history, if it were not for Verdell Thunderhorse and myself facing the tbc for these disbursements for our tribal members these disbursements would not have ever existed. We confronted the concerns of how our tribal members were disenfranchised as the tbc were spendthrifting the tribal revenues when the large amounts came pouring in, meanwhile nothing was being done to benefit tribal members until we stood our ground to assure our tribal membership received disbursements.
We have tried continuously over and over again to make our tbc leaders accountable, transparent and to put the appropriate "checks & balances" into our laws legally, but have miserably failed due to the tbc's intentional dictation over our tribal government so that they can continue to spend our tribal revenues. The tbc has accomplished placing themself into our elected tbc seats, tribal government branch seats, committees, boards, etc, all while not being qualified or educated or experienced to be placed in those positions. We need to see just how many salaries are collected by each tbc member and just how much they are collecting while we as tribal members rarely get the opportunity to meet with them.
As a result for standing up for our tribal rights, we were faced with retaliation. We put up with a lot of poor, negative, hostile and very unprofessional treatment. No other tribal member stood beside us in these tbc meetings except my mother, because retaliation was at its best and given by the tbc back then. Not too many tribal members were aware or educated in their tribal rights, but today we as tribal members have overcome this. We know what is going on now and want the painted picture of an audit on all tribal revenues to see why our tribal members are not being treated or benefitting equally from our tribal government.
So with that, I am hoping the tribal members can help retain an attorney for an audit on all tribal revenues to stop the corruptive spending by the tbc that is still unwanted by tribal members today. Together we can take the stand to stop it and take actions to prevent it for our future.
In the event we do not make the $15,000 I will mail everyone's money back to them and am praying that we will not have to take this route.
I am doing all of this and asking for your help so that our tribal members and especially our children will not have to suffer anymore from such tribal leader dictation. I want all of us to be able to work together to revise the constitution, implement the ethics, complete an audit on tribal revenues every year, vote together on a budget, make everything an equal benefit for everyone within our tribal government and to see everyone prosper equally, but am waiting for more support to accomplish all of this.
Our children's future truly depends on our actions taken together to fix this now.
I figure if only 300 tribal members support this by giving $50 each we can reach our goal.
Also asking for everyone who is MHA Nation Enrolled and 18 years or older to please email me or Facebook message me or mail me your:
"Name, Current Mailing Address and Email Address"
Doreen Lyons
PO Box 7272
Bismarck ND 58507
[email redacted]
Doreen Lyons on Facebook Messenger
A'ho for all your care & support into our future! There is a lot to be done, but cannot be done by just one, help each other out.
Doreen Lyons
Doreen Lyons
Bismarck, ND