2020 TV Kids Lemonade Stand
Donation protected

This year marks the 8th annual lemonade stand,! 1st event on 8/3 is a DRIVE-THRU lemonade stand at Murphy JHS from 3-6pm. 2nd event on 8/3 is a VIRTUAL lemonade stand on the TWITCH streaming app. (links to the site are on our webpage: www.threevillagekidslemonadestand.com)
Help your Three Village school win the "Lemonheads of the District" title! Each school in Three Village is competing to be named "Lemonheads of the District" for the annual Three Village Kids Lemonade Stand
GofundMe donations can be credited towards your school until midnight , 7/20!
How to do this: Once you enter in the donation amount and then in "Referred by" section select the team name you want to give credit to. *see team names/schools below.
WMHS- team page name: Christine Gacovino
GELINAS- team page names (pick either 1): Ashton Hopkins or Gabe Peritore
MURPHY- team page names (pick either 1): Katie Hanson or Kayden Laucella
NASSAKEAG- team page names (pick either 1): Courtney DeVerna or Hailey Leapley
MOUNT- team page name: Karen Jackson
ARROWHEAD- team page name: Julietta & Nadia McKee
MINNESAUKE- team page name (pick either 1): Danielle Butler or Jessica Scott
SETAUKET- team page name: Jack Rella
*donations made after 7/20 will be applied to general donation pool as together we help to raise money for the Stony Brook Children's Hospital, Child Life Program
If you have any questions, please email us at [email redacted]
We thank you for your support as together we work to turn lemons into lemonade for the Stony Brook Children's Hospital!

Maddie Joseph Mastriano
Stony Brook, NY