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2024 CPRS District 10 Past Presidents Scholarship

Donación protegida
Hello CPRS District 10 Past Presidents!

It’s that time of year when we contact our past District 10 leaders to solicit support for the Past President Scholarship. Each year District 10 is pleased to award the Past President Scholarship to a deserving student in our service area.

Our goal this year is to raise $1,000 to fund a scholarship for an outstanding, up-and-coming Recreation professional. We are asking our Past Presidents to consider making a contribution toward this effort. If each past president from the last 25 years were to donate $40, we would hit our goal. We welcome and are grateful for any amount you are able to contribute to this year’s scholarship.

However, due to the rising cost of education and in an effort to ensure this scholarship remains the highest honor and amount awarded to students, the District 10 Board of Directors discussed and approved a new approach to Past Presidents' scholarship award. Beginning this year, I am excited to announce that District 10 will match dollar-for-dollar up to $1,000! As a result, if the past presidents reach their goal of $1,000, the scholarship will now be $2,000. Should the donations exceed $1,000, the excess will simply be added on top of the $2,000 but not matched by District 10.

2024 Awards and Installation Banquet
The scholarship recipient will be presented with their award and check at the 2024 CPRS District 10 Awards and Installation Banquet on Thursday, March 21, in the City of Fountain Valley. The RSVP deadline is March 7, 2024.

In 2023, Jake Hopkins was awarded the CPRS D10 Past President Scholarship. Since then, he has graduated with a Masters Degree in Public Administration from CSULB and was promoted to a Recreation Supervisor with the City of Fountain Valley. Jake is also the 2022 Mark Feldman award recipient and will serve as the 2024-2025 District 10's President!

Other past recipients include:
2023- Jake Hopkins
2022-Vicki Gonzalez
2021- Ingrid Enriquez
2020- Jessica Cedillo-Padilla
2019- Scott Baker
2018- Mark Freeman


Justin Schmillen
Newport Beach, CA

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