20th West Cork Walk in aid of Cork Simon Community
Donation protected
For 20 years, the people of West Cork have organised a Walk for Cork Simon Community. Put this special one in your in your diary, NOVEMBER 25th for the West Cork Walk for Cork Simon Community. The people of West Cork have been extremely generous over the years and the ‘feel good’ event, is a winter highlight for West Cork Walkers. Last year due to Covid restrictions, people participated in the walk virtually where you walked in your own locality over the weekend and contributed through the go fund me page and also turned up in person on the day and walked along the beautiful wild Atlantic way , here in Rosscarbery. Between the go fund me page, fundraising walks by the students in Mount St. Michael, Rosscarbery and private donations we raised an incredible amount just in excess of €5,500. This year again we are offering people two options; option 1 : Meet at 10am in Carbery Rangers GAA, Newtown Grounds, Rosscarbery on 25th November 2024 and take part in a walk along the Wild Atlantic Way. The full loop is approx . 16k in total taking in the Warren Beach, Owenahincha, Long Strand and Castlefreke Castle & Grounds. You can walk as far or as little as you wish on the day . We will have local walkers there to guide you with the route and route maps available. Donations can be made on the Day. option 2: Complete a walk virtually in your own locality over the weekend of the 25th of November and make your donation through the go-fund me page. We urge everyone to take selfies and share their walk on Social Media to raise awareness of the great work that Cork Simon Community do. Please use the #WestCorkWalk4CorkSimon #CorkSimonCommunity. Updates can be found on Facebook Rosscarbery Steam Runners AC and Cork Simon Community as well as local Notice Boards. Cork Simon Community works in solidarity with men and women who are homeless in Cork, offering housing and support in their journey back to independent or supported living. Every year over 1,000 people turn to Cork Simon Community for support. Among Cork Simon's most well know services are the Emergency Shelter and the Soup Run. Cork Simon's Emergency Shelters has 48 beds and is full every night of the year while the Soup Run operates every night of the year, offering nourishing food and a listening ear and is often the first point of contact for people who become homeless in Cork. Cork Simon Community also provides housing at five high-support houses throughout the city for people with health needs that require 24 hour care and 27 flats throughout the city for people who are leaving homelessness behind them. In addition to accommodation, Cork Simon offers support to people to maintain their tenancies', access to health services, training and employment opportunities and a range of personal supports to enable people to move out of homelessness. The event, which has never been a race, has been a gathering of like-minded people , walking and appreciating beautiful West Cork, while raising funds for a great cause.
Fiona Calnan
County Cork