3rd Precinct Restitution Support
*THE ONLY DONATION PAGE FOR BRYCE WILLIAMS* (please be aware of fake ones)
4 individuals were charged for their role in the burning of the police station, which sparked the whole world to stand up and fight against the brutality and abuse of power in policing. One of them, Bryce Williams, was showing the world what the media couldn’t. Being heard by social platforms and showing the world what our country is going through and how bad we need change in our justice system! COUNTRIES NOTICED and changes around policinghave already started.
These men have left a mark on our justice system and many new laws have been put in place to help better the citizens from police brutality and abuse of power. That came with a price, they are currently in prison and when they get out, they are ordered to pay $12,000,000 in restitution.
George Floyd and his family got his justice and this is only the beginning to holding police accountable for their actions. We the people are powerful and it’s sad that we the people need to go to extreme lengths to be heard correctly for our own good.
Let’s help Bryce pay that restitution so when him and the other men get out they can live a normal life again. Anything helpsrn at , even just sharing the link!
Donations will go towards restitution fees, legal fees, money on his books and family support to his 2 kids.