Justice for Jamiel after Brutal Beating by VPD
Donation protected
Jamiel greatly appreciates all the previous support from our first campaign which raised over $6300. All charges against Jamiel have been stayed. Despite these substantial gains, we need more support to proceed with Jamiel’s Human Rights complaint and Supreme Court proceedings against the Vancouver Police Department now. Please read Jamiel's story below.On February 10 2018, Jamiel Moore-Williams and a few of his football buddies headed downtown Vancouver. While strolling along Granville street with friends, Jamiel Moore-Williams stepped out on to the road to avoid being hit by rocks tbeing thrown his way by a person in mental distress. What occurred next should never have been allowed to happen. The VPD, who decided that a jay walking charge against Jamiel was in the public’s interest, tackled, kneed and kicked him and then tasered him 14 times. A video shows this vicious attack by police despite Jamiel clearly offering the VPD his wallet and ID with his left hand. After being brutally beaten by the VPD, Jamiel ended up in hospital where his hands and feet were shackled to the hospital bed. Jamiel was denied access to a phone call and suffered permanent damage to his hand because of how firmly the police officers tightened the shackles around it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aj720POH7swwWpCBYcWGsk4Kkpx61jiF/view?usp=sharingJamiel is a 6'4" Black man, who has had to deal with harmful threat stereotypes about the "big Black man" all of his life. He is an ex-University of British Columbia football player. He is a certified fitness professional. He does not have a criminal record and Jamiel is not the only Black football player in recent years who has made claims against the VPD for acting with excessive force towards them due to their size and skin colour but he would like to be the last. Jamiel needs your support for legal costs and fees to hold the police officers accountable, particularly given that two of the police officers involved in the attack are being investigated by The Office of the Police Complainant Commissioner. Costs and fees include three experts in the area of: 1) physical injuries from the tasering, 2) inadequacies of police recruitment and training including conscious and sub-conscious racism, 3) and de-escalation training. Update: June 9, 2020In February 2020, the Office of the Police Complaints Commission forwarded their report to Crown Counsel for consideration of criminal charges against the police officers. A special prosecutor needs to be assigned, but this is yet to be done as of this date. Further, the VPD have made an application to postpone the setting of hearing dates for Mr. Moore-William's claim with the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal. Lastly, the VPD have not responded by the deadline, to a settlement offer submitted to them by Mr. Moore-Williams legal counsel. Funding for the legal actions before the BC Supreme Court Trial and the BC Human Rights Tribunal is now being sought. All GoFundMe donations will be deposited into the accouno for Jamiel Moore-Willams held in Trust by Donna M. Turko, Q.C. Ms.Turko is counsel-on-record in the matter. And, all unused funds collected will be donated to Black Lives Matter. Jamiel wants himself to be not only the last Black man, but that last person, to experience the unnecessary excessive force of Vancouver police who are under-trained, over zealous and over-reactive.
Organizer and beneficiary
Azuka Nduka-Agwu
Vancouver, BC
Donna Turko