Jenni & Cameron Wymer
On June 13, Jenni sustained severe burns across her hands, arms, abdomen, mild burns on her ear, and forehead. She is recovering at HCMC. She has had the first of several surgeries to remove the damaged tissue and preserve the healthy tissue remaining in preparation for a skin graph surgery. Jenni faces 2-3 weeks in the hospital and recovery at home after. She says the good news is, she gets to keep all ten of her fingers.
On June 18th, her eldest son Cameron was rushed to the hospital with diabetic ketoacidosis, he and his family were previously unaware he was diabetic, and he will need to stay for a few days during recovery. Jenni's youngest son is well and being cared for by family.
It's unclear yet what ways will best
support this amazing family during this time, but if you are interested in helping please make a donation.