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Daisy's Emergency Surgery Costs

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My name is Tina and I have known my sweet friend Tabitha for over 9 years.  Tabitha is a person who will drop anything she is doing to help someone else.  She is someone who always puts her 4 sweet kids and her fur-babies above herself.  She is someone who is kind, hard-working, compassionate, giving, thoughtful, and considerate.  There are countless people she has quietly helped (personally and in her job as an AMAZING nurse) and expected NOTHING in return from.  Now it is our turn to help Tabitha, as her sweet dog Daisy has been brutally attacked.  Please read Tabitha's story of Daisy and please consider giving, even $5 will help a lot!  Thank you all for your generous donations! <3 

Tabitha's story..... 

My sweet Daisy is the best dog ever. She has always been so patient with my babies. She's a mother herself and mothers any other animals she meets. She has been a part of our lives since before my babies can remember. Daisy has no idea she is only 5 lbs. She has the heart of a Great Dane and an attitude to match mine.
Unfortunately Daisy's face will never look like this again. Yesterday afternoon she ran up to a neighbor's rottie and was attacked. Even worse, my older boys witnessed the whole thing. Thankfully we were able to get her away but not before serious damage was done. I really believed Daisy was dying in my arms on the way to the emergency vet. But my girl is a fighter.
She's been in ICU until stable enough for surgery, and tonight she had surgery to remove both of her eyes. Daisy will never see again. She has 5 broken ribs and pulmonary contusions... Lots of bruising and a few bite wounds. But my Daisy is expected to recover and come home in a couple days. We will have to help her adapt to being blind, but I am so glad she will be coming back home.
Thanks everyone who has called or texted checking on Daisy. Thank you everyone who helped yesterday and supported me when I was a blubbering mess. Daisy truly is an irreplaceable part of our family.


  • Sandy Cleasby
    • $20
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Tabitha Haire
Indian Trail, NC
Tabitha Haire

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