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Everyday Battle with Brain Cancer

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Hello Everybody!

My name is Karolina. Until May 2011 I was very happy with my life and full of ideas for the future. I planned to get married and start a family.

In May 2011 I was diagnosed with a tumor in the left hemisphere of the brain. Biopsy showed that the tumor is astrocytoma diffuse WHO grade III. From that moment my life has been turned upside down.

I have visited numerous doctors in Poland and they all stated that the surgery to remove the tumor is impossible, because of its sensitive location and a surgery could result in permanent disability or death. I was offered two therapy options: radiation therapy or observation until disease progression. Doctors believe, that in my situation radiation will not help and may even cause harm and disease progression. Unfortunately in June 2012 the MRI test showed that the tumor started to grow and the disease was getting worse.

In February 2013 I started a treatment at the Burzynski Clinic in Houston, TX, which is renowned for its life saving unique patented therapy, winning battles in the most difficult cancer cases including brain tumors. After analyzing my medical records I was qualified for non-invasive gene targeted therapy, which is very expensive (approximately two hundred thousand dollars annually and insurance doesn't cover the cost of the therapy). So far, the therapy has been successful and helped reduce the tumor size by 50%, giving me a hope that maybe one day I can live a normal life again.

Please help me fight against brain cancer by donating to my cause, so I can continue the life-saving treatment. Any amount of donation helps. I truly appreciate your generosity and warm prayers.

Thank you for visiting my website and considering supporting me in my battle for my life.


My fight:

My blog: 

(For polish please scroll down)

At the clicnic in Poland

 At the  Burzynski Clinic with my mom.

February 2013 - my first visit at the Burzynski Clinic.

Biweekly chemo injections at the clinic.

With my parents and sister- Christmas 

Witam Wszystkich!

Nazywam się Karolina Dzienniak. W 2011 roku moje życie wywróciło się do góry nogami, kiedy w mojej głowie wykryto nieoperacyjny złośliwy nowotwór mózgu. Plany na przyszlosc, ślub , powiekszenie rodziny , wszystko to w jednej chwili runęło. Po strasznym załamaniu postanowiłam walczyć i szukać wszelkich dostępnych metod leczenia mojego guza mózgu (Astrocytoma WHO III ) W Polsce zaproponowano mi dwie opcje : radioterapię, która przy tego rodzaju guzie jest nieskuteczna lub obserwacje. I tak do 2012 cieszyłam sie rzekomym spokojem i nagle guz zaczał sie rozrastać. Przeszłam wówczas operacje ratujaca zycie wstawienia zastawki do mozgu. I wlasnie wtedy pojawilo sie swiatlo w tunelu, kiedy trafilismy na Burzynski Clinic w Houston w USA, gdzie trafilam w 2013 roku i rozpoczelam intensywne leczenie. Terapia jak do tej pory okazala sie skuteczna i guz zmnijeszył sie o 50 %. Tylko Pan Bóg wie jak skończy sie moja walka, ale tak bardzo chce zyc... Niestety leczenie jest niezwykle kosztowne, a kolejny etap sięga 200 tyś dolarów na rok. W chwili obecnej zyje tylko dzieki pomocy ludzi dobrej woli, ktorym nie jest oboejetny moj los. Dlatego prosze o wsparcie finansowe, gdyz bez tego jestem skazana na wyrok... Wyrok śmierci
Tak bardzo chce żyć... Założyć rodzinę, doczekać sie ukochanego dzieciatka...
Prosze pomóz mi....


Ponizej podaje link do krotkiego reportazu o mojej walce z choroba:

Prowadze rowniez blog, ktory mozna sledzic ponizej:

Please note that GoFundMe requested that I disclose the name of the beneficiary and how is that person connected to the campaign:

Agnieszka Rudzinska is currently receiving all the payments from the donations. I personally don't have a bank account, so she is a long time friend of my family and is giving me cash to pay for my treatment. All the funds go to myself. She is just letting me "use" her bank account.

Thank you,



  • Sophie Price
    • $200
    • 7 yrs
  • Dee Gorszewski
    • $20
    • 7 yrs
  • Mariusz Smolij
    • $50
    • 7 yrs
  • Beata Chyrk
    • $50
    • 7 yrs
  • Ela Wach
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organizer and beneficiary

Karolina Dzienniak
Tomball, TX
Agnieszka Rudzinska

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