Fundraiser for Jummai Nache's Medical Expenses
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A Note From Leo Endel, Executive Director of the Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention
Many of you have been praying for Jummai and Philip Nache during these difficult days. Their faith in the Lord has continued strong despite the difficulty of their journey. As most of you know, Jummai has undergone the amputation of her two legs below the knee and will later lose most of her two hands. What lies ahead is an expensive and painful journey of healing that will include costly prosthetics, additional surgery, and necessary modifications to their lifestyle including modifications to their home and a different vehicle.
You have been faithful in your prayers. Will you now be generous in your financial assistance to help them bear this burden? The NAMB (North American Mission Board) and the MWBC (the Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention) will do all we can to support the Naches but we will need your help.
Many of you will remember that the Naches were one of the 2019 missionary couples featured by the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (see video here, WEEK OF PRAYER - AAEO 2019: Church Planting in Minneapolis ). This is a special couple through which the Lord continues to do seemingly impossible gospel ministry to the world. If you have any questions, please contact me or Na Herr in our office: www.mwbc.org.
My name is Philip Nache and my wife is Jummai. We are church planters with the North American Mission Board, sent to serve under MWBC in the Twin cities, Minnesota among the African community and also reaching out and training churches to know how to develop relationship with their Muslim neighbors. We had been missionaries in the northern part of Nigeria, an area dominated by Muslims for 20 years before we came to America to further our theological studies. God used us to bring many souls to the kingdom in Nigeria and many of those are now Missionaries and Pastors. Our ministry continues with adding converts here in the United States. For more information about our ministry, click the links at the end of their story.
This is the story about my wife Jummai. She is a medical assistant who worked in one of the clinics in Minneapolis MN, where she was instructed to take the covid-19 vaccine. After receiving her second Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on February 1, 2021 she started to experience chest pain at work. Three days after the chest pains I took her to Urgent Care on February 6, 2021. After the checkup, EKG and other tests, the doctor said there was nothing wrong with her chest and every test showed she was okay. She took a covid-19 test and the next day was confirmed positive. Jummai and I were shocked when we received the result that she was covid-19 positive because she had not manifested any symptom before taking the shot. But we later accepted that perhaps, the virus and the vaccine together contributed to the adverse reaction on her body based on the report of the Infectious Disease physician that Jummai was asymptomatic. So Jummai followed the CDC guidelines but then a few days later she ended up at Fairview ER and then was transferred to U of M medical center. The next day, 2/14/21 the doctor called and told me that her heart was deteriorating, her oxygen levels and blood pressure were low and she needed to be put on a ventilator. I gave approval for them to proceed with the ventilator as needed.
The Infectious Disease Dr considered the test results, Jummai's condition, the timeline of the administered vaccine and the onset of covid 19, realizing the vaccine might have caused the adverse reaction. But the Dr always concludes that this is just a theory which cannot be verified because they do not have testing equipment to clearly state that the vaccine has caused Jummai's devastation.
Whatever the cause may be, my wife is suffering unbearable excruciating pain and permanent catastrophic damage. The consequences of the adverse event are as follows: 1. Arterial blood clot; 2. Respiratory distress—ventilator; 3. Cardiomyopathy; 4. Anemia; 5. Damage to fingers of both hands and toes of both feet; 6 Ischemia; 7. MIS-Multiple Inflammatory Syndrome.
As a result of the above complications, the Infectious Disease Dr decided to forward the case to CDC. According to the Dr, after going back and forth with the CDC, they decided to meet to deliberate with many experts around the country in which about 70-80 doctors met on a virtual call to discuss Jummai's case. About 8 weeks after the meeting the CDC sent us a letter of their conclusions which stated that Jummai was infected with MIS-A and covid-19, but they cannot conclude whether the covid-19 vaccine contributed for now. Since Jummai's blood specimen which was taken at the onset of this nightmare is saved in the lab, we pray for God's provision of a separate body of experts who could study Jummai's very unique case to draw other conclusions. As the CDC related, Jummai's case is very unique. Since my request to be in that meeting was not granted, I submitted the following questions for the CDC experts’ response:
1. When her symptoms started, I was with her, eating and sleeping together, but I tested negative and did not have any symptoms. Why am I not positive?
2. If she got the vaccine before the virus or got them at the same time, did the clashing of the covid-19 and the vaccine cause such adverse reactions? Why didn’t the CDC or Pfizer let us know? Or why wouldn’t they ask everyone to be tested for covid-19 first, before taking the vaccine?
3. If the vaccine is meant to defeat the virus, either by destroying it or weakening its effect, why the adverse severe damage? If the vaccine did not work to defeat the virus, what role was the vaccine playing in Jummai's body?
On one occasion, the doctor called and told me that Jummai could die at any moment, but God preserved my wife's life in a miraculous way in response to all the prayers of the church. He has continued to do amazing things in her life, to which we testify. Three weeks ago, the cardiologist told us that Jummai's heart is 100% healed. By God's grace, this goes against the initial report which was that her heart would never be the same. To God be the glory! I have also appreciated God's grace of healing her from the life-threatening impact of the vaccine/Covid-19 destruction, but it has required high risk surgeries for amputation of both legs (below the knees). When those are healed, she is yet to undergo amputations at both hands. My experience on this journey has been so difficult but I can't imagine the excruciating pain mentally, physically and emotionally that my wife is going through. I can only equate her experience and challenge with Job's experience and trial in the sense that the challenges have come in degrees, one after another. She would have one challenge and we would thank God as overcomers and then the devil would present the next challenge and we would overcome yet again. Time and again, challenge after challenge. I wasn't asking why the righteous suffer and I also encouraged Jummai to take the same approach, not because we have a strong faith but because of the example of the heroes of faith like Job.
The Bible says, in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 "...give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus"
We are grateful to God for His grace upon Jummai, the children and myself as we go through this unprecedented experience and the painful challenges! GOD KNOWS!
On behalf of my family, we are eternally grateful for your generous support and prayers!
For more information about the Nache's ministry please click the following links:
Many of you have been praying for Jummai and Philip Nache during these difficult days. Their faith in the Lord has continued strong despite the difficulty of their journey. As most of you know, Jummai has undergone the amputation of her two legs below the knee and will later lose most of her two hands. What lies ahead is an expensive and painful journey of healing that will include costly prosthetics, additional surgery, and necessary modifications to their lifestyle including modifications to their home and a different vehicle.
You have been faithful in your prayers. Will you now be generous in your financial assistance to help them bear this burden? The NAMB (North American Mission Board) and the MWBC (the Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention) will do all we can to support the Naches but we will need your help.
Many of you will remember that the Naches were one of the 2019 missionary couples featured by the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (see video here, WEEK OF PRAYER - AAEO 2019: Church Planting in Minneapolis ). This is a special couple through which the Lord continues to do seemingly impossible gospel ministry to the world. If you have any questions, please contact me or Na Herr in our office: www.mwbc.org.
My name is Philip Nache and my wife is Jummai. We are church planters with the North American Mission Board, sent to serve under MWBC in the Twin cities, Minnesota among the African community and also reaching out and training churches to know how to develop relationship with their Muslim neighbors. We had been missionaries in the northern part of Nigeria, an area dominated by Muslims for 20 years before we came to America to further our theological studies. God used us to bring many souls to the kingdom in Nigeria and many of those are now Missionaries and Pastors. Our ministry continues with adding converts here in the United States. For more information about our ministry, click the links at the end of their story.
This is the story about my wife Jummai. She is a medical assistant who worked in one of the clinics in Minneapolis MN, where she was instructed to take the covid-19 vaccine. After receiving her second Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on February 1, 2021 she started to experience chest pain at work. Three days after the chest pains I took her to Urgent Care on February 6, 2021. After the checkup, EKG and other tests, the doctor said there was nothing wrong with her chest and every test showed she was okay. She took a covid-19 test and the next day was confirmed positive. Jummai and I were shocked when we received the result that she was covid-19 positive because she had not manifested any symptom before taking the shot. But we later accepted that perhaps, the virus and the vaccine together contributed to the adverse reaction on her body based on the report of the Infectious Disease physician that Jummai was asymptomatic. So Jummai followed the CDC guidelines but then a few days later she ended up at Fairview ER and then was transferred to U of M medical center. The next day, 2/14/21 the doctor called and told me that her heart was deteriorating, her oxygen levels and blood pressure were low and she needed to be put on a ventilator. I gave approval for them to proceed with the ventilator as needed.
The Infectious Disease Dr considered the test results, Jummai's condition, the timeline of the administered vaccine and the onset of covid 19, realizing the vaccine might have caused the adverse reaction. But the Dr always concludes that this is just a theory which cannot be verified because they do not have testing equipment to clearly state that the vaccine has caused Jummai's devastation.
Whatever the cause may be, my wife is suffering unbearable excruciating pain and permanent catastrophic damage. The consequences of the adverse event are as follows: 1. Arterial blood clot; 2. Respiratory distress—ventilator; 3. Cardiomyopathy; 4. Anemia; 5. Damage to fingers of both hands and toes of both feet; 6 Ischemia; 7. MIS-Multiple Inflammatory Syndrome.
As a result of the above complications, the Infectious Disease Dr decided to forward the case to CDC. According to the Dr, after going back and forth with the CDC, they decided to meet to deliberate with many experts around the country in which about 70-80 doctors met on a virtual call to discuss Jummai's case. About 8 weeks after the meeting the CDC sent us a letter of their conclusions which stated that Jummai was infected with MIS-A and covid-19, but they cannot conclude whether the covid-19 vaccine contributed for now. Since Jummai's blood specimen which was taken at the onset of this nightmare is saved in the lab, we pray for God's provision of a separate body of experts who could study Jummai's very unique case to draw other conclusions. As the CDC related, Jummai's case is very unique. Since my request to be in that meeting was not granted, I submitted the following questions for the CDC experts’ response:
1. When her symptoms started, I was with her, eating and sleeping together, but I tested negative and did not have any symptoms. Why am I not positive?
2. If she got the vaccine before the virus or got them at the same time, did the clashing of the covid-19 and the vaccine cause such adverse reactions? Why didn’t the CDC or Pfizer let us know? Or why wouldn’t they ask everyone to be tested for covid-19 first, before taking the vaccine?
3. If the vaccine is meant to defeat the virus, either by destroying it or weakening its effect, why the adverse severe damage? If the vaccine did not work to defeat the virus, what role was the vaccine playing in Jummai's body?
On one occasion, the doctor called and told me that Jummai could die at any moment, but God preserved my wife's life in a miraculous way in response to all the prayers of the church. He has continued to do amazing things in her life, to which we testify. Three weeks ago, the cardiologist told us that Jummai's heart is 100% healed. By God's grace, this goes against the initial report which was that her heart would never be the same. To God be the glory! I have also appreciated God's grace of healing her from the life-threatening impact of the vaccine/Covid-19 destruction, but it has required high risk surgeries for amputation of both legs (below the knees). When those are healed, she is yet to undergo amputations at both hands. My experience on this journey has been so difficult but I can't imagine the excruciating pain mentally, physically and emotionally that my wife is going through. I can only equate her experience and challenge with Job's experience and trial in the sense that the challenges have come in degrees, one after another. She would have one challenge and we would thank God as overcomers and then the devil would present the next challenge and we would overcome yet again. Time and again, challenge after challenge. I wasn't asking why the righteous suffer and I also encouraged Jummai to take the same approach, not because we have a strong faith but because of the example of the heroes of faith like Job.
The Bible says, in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 "...give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus"
We are grateful to God for His grace upon Jummai, the children and myself as we go through this unprecedented experience and the painful challenges! GOD KNOWS!
On behalf of my family, we are eternally grateful for your generous support and prayers!
For more information about the Nache's ministry please click the following links:
Organizer and beneficiary
Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention
Rochester, MN
Philip Nache