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Update for Mr. Badly Productions

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Hello, it's Stanley Roberts here and I wanted to update you and say thank you for your support and please forgive any typos.

Back in May of 2020 we all watched the world change. I asked for your help to build Caught Misbehaving, the name morphed to Mr. Badly Productions because I believe it has so much potential. 

Now I have a mission to return to the San Francisco Bay Area full time which means finding housing and setting up shop to avoid travel expenses, like rental cars, hotels etc. 

I have joined forces with Susan Dyer Reynolds to create GBTB Media. Susan as a writer has a proven reputation of exposing corruption in our government. Susan and I are collaborating to expose the issues with the intention of making the Bay Area a better place to live. Yes I will still be educating drivers on the rules of the road with Caught Misbehaving segments. 

We are looking for major investors but for now we are asking for your help. 

A glimpse of what I'm trying to create. 

OfficiaL Biography: Stanley Roberts has made it his mission to catch people in the act of misbehaving! His viral videos offer insightful and entertaining glimpses into what happens when people are caught red-handed breaking the law or simply breaking a moral code of decency. His award-winning segments have been on television for two decades in the San Francisco Bay Area, and most recently in Phoenix, AZ. Although based in the United States, Roberts has an online international following. With over 17 million video views just on YouTube alone, Stanley has been recruiting binge watchers long before it was a trend!

Roberts has received multiple letters of recognition from the United States Congress, the California State Senate and many other government agencies. In 2016, Roberts was awarded the Police and Sheriffs Award of San Mateo County, an award usually reserved for Police Chiefs and Sheriffs in California. His videos have become training materials for Traffic Schools, Municipal Transit Agencies, Metal Theft Training companies and Law Enforcement Agencies.

And for the public, his videos have become an educational and entertaining resource in what happens when you are caught misbehaving. Growing up in New Jersey provided Roberts with plenty of opportunities to see people misbehaving in the streets of Camden. His career in television dates back to 1984 and has given him experience in almost every facet of covering television news both behind and in front of the camera, starting when he moved to Salinas Valley where he played a major role with the start-up of KCBA Fox 35 News working as a floor camera operator.

He then moved to Los Angeles in 1990 where he became a multi-award-winning broadcast photojournalist as a videographer for KABC, KCBS, KTTV and for the syndicated show “LAPD - Life on the Beat.” Some of his many accomplishments include several Emmy Nominations and four Golden Mike Press Television-Radio Association Awards.

In the course of his impressive career as a photojournalist, Mr. Roberts has covered many high-profile events including the O.J. Simpson and Rodney King trials, the 1992 Los Angeles Riots, the North Hollywood shootout, the Malibu fires, the 1994 Northridge Earthquake, and the Scott Peterson Trial.


Stanley Roberts
Phoenix, AZ

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