Phd-Hawai'i & Tahiti 2016
He Pouwhenua, He Kura Tangata
Celebrate Beauty | Weave Magic | Live The Mystery
(Niniwa on Pukerangatira, Kahakaharoa)
He aroha, he mahi i runga i te whakaiti - To love and to serve with humility.
(Te Pūtahi Nui o Rehua-Ariki: Te Wānanga Matua Kore)
I am Te Ngakooterangi Ngaropo-Tāwio. I am a full time PhD student at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, Whakatāne, New Zealand. I am a Māori - Indigenous from Aotearoa, New Zealand.
From 2008 - 2016 I have been able to successfully complete a Bachelors, Masters degree and almost completed the English version of a Doctorate of Philosophy in Indigenous Studies. It has taken 8 years to get to Phd level from no qualifications. I started my Phd in 2012. This is the fifth and final year of study. I have previously applied for many education scholarships only to be turned down and there were grants but were few and far between and alot of effort for minimal return.
(Hokianga Whakapau Karakia, Hokianga Nui a Kupe)
My PhD thesis is about reconstructing - celestially and physically the ancient school of higher learning from a Māori perspective called "Te Whare Wānanga." My PhD is unique because it has three bodies of work. It is written in Māori, English and Applied Knowledge. It is equivalent to three Phd's in one, first time this has ever been done. The English version has been marked and the corrections have been made, soon to hand in for final marking. The Māori version is being edited and the applied knowledge section needs to be completed.
The title of my PhD is:
"Towards A New Whare-Wānanga: Visioning Our Greatest Potential" and the subtitle is: "Through Applied Indigenous Knowledge A New Perspective Of The Traditional Whare-Wānanga Can Be Visioned"
(Kahakaharoa, Puna Tōpū, Kaiwaha, Maukoro)
For the applied section I have to apply my Phd in Hawai'i (USA), and Tahiti (French Polynesia) and reinact ancient ceremonial practices as apart of the research. The research information is crucial to the completion of the applied knowledge section of my PhD. When the applied research is complete it will be of significence to humanity, not just indigenous communities.
The money will be used to purchase flight tickets from New Zealand to Hawai'i and Tahiti. The money will also cover living costs, travel and food. Flights from New Zealand - Easter Island = $3457.00. Flight from NZ- Hawai'i = $2100.00. Flights from NZ - Tahiti = $2200.00. Total flights = $7747.00 leaving a total of $1243.00 for transfers and food. Free accomadation has been offered by Indigenous people in Rapanui, Hawai'i and Tahiti. That will be a huge help. I will be in Hawai'i and Tahiti for a duration of one month from th 1st-30th of December, 2016. My goal is to complete all three pieces of work this year in the month of December, 2016.
(Ngā Maunga Iringa Kōrero )
This final stage of the research is crucial to the completion of the all three pieces of the PhD (English, Māori and Applied). It is the sum total of the last 8 years work. I would give everything to complete it. It will be nice to see this part of my life come to an end so that I can start new projects i.e writing books. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, donations big or small. At this present time I spend at least 15 hours a day seven days a week researching this project. Thats the level of my dedication to the project.
I have also been able to secure a publishing company that will publish all three pieces of work once it has been completed. All three bodies of the PhD will be turned into books. I am prepared to give copies of the research to people that give financial support over $500.00 NZ when the work has been completed. All three documents are at lest 500 pages each, and would cost me at least $300.00 NZ to print all three copies. Each person will have to cover their own postage and packaging. Thank you all for your kind donations, you support is very much appreciated. Those people in Aotearoa, New Zealand you have an option to be able to put the money in this Westpac Trust directly.03-0415-0584394-001 and it is under the name Hineteahorangi Ngaropo.
Te Ngakooterangi Ngaropo-Tāwio
Ngāpuhi Nui Tonu, Te Rarawa Kai Whare,
Ngāti Te Reinga, Waimirirangi, Te Uri o Te Aho
Director At Te Pūtahi Nui o Rehua-Ariki:
Te Wānanga Matua For Tōhunga Training & Development
MSDI, Tōhunga Uenukurangi
PhD Candidate in Indigenous Studies
Tōhunga, Scholar, Practitioner
Aotearoa, Hawai'i, Tahiti, Rapanui
[email redacted]
027 [phone redacted]
(Te Manu Kāwhaki o Rehua Kai Ariki).
(Tauwhare, Te Reinga, Panguru, Papata, Warawara)