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Maggie's Philadelphia Story

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My name is Maggie Kain and I have been elected to be a delegate for Bernie Sanders at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. I am asking for help raising money to cover some of the cost of attending. I have been elected by Rhode Island voters to represent them at the convention. As we all have seen this election cycle, supporters of Sen Sanders have felt that our votes have not been trully heard. It is important to make our voices heard at the convention so that The Democrtaic National knows that they represent us NOT the corporations that are funding their elections. The money raised will help me pay for my hotel, which has been pre-chosen for me. I was planning on staying in a cheaper place, but the DNC has chosen a rather expensive hotel for the delegates to stay.  As excited as I am to be elected, I will be taking time off of work, so any help I receive will be much appreciated.  I will be going to the convention on July 24, to represent the majority of Rhode Islanders who voted for Sen Sanders to be the nominee for the Democratic Party! The support hat I have recieved from my community has been amazing and trully invigorating. This IS a grassroots movement and it is up to us to keep it going!! Thank you so much everyone!
Je contribue


  • suzanne enser
    • $27
    • 8 yrs
Je contribue


Maggie Kain
Narragansett, RI

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