Faith's Hope "Rescue" Fundraiser
Sometimes "The Rescuer" needs to be rescued. Now is that time for Rosemary, the heart and
soul of Faith's Hope Rescue in Philadelphia.
For years Rosemary has taken dogs no one else would touch. Missing limbs, blind, deaf and with medical
conditions some of us had never heard of.
She has rescued countless dogs, now therapy dogs and cherished family
companions:.all basically on her own, very rarely asking for help. Today "Team Rosemary" as I refer to us, her
dozen volunteers are pleading for your help.
Several weeks ago Rosemary fell down stairs in her home.
She was in horrible pain but kept on going for the dogs. That was until a friend convinced her to go
to the ER. There she found out she has
several broken vertebrae. The doctors
couldn't believe she had gone this long.
She was instantly transferred to the hospital. This left her beloved dogs alone::
An urgent situation, volunteers stepped in and found foster
homes for some dogs and temporary boarding for others. Currently each of Rosemary's dogs and rescues
are safely tucked away.
Rosemary has a long road to recovery ahead. Her veterinary bills have mounted, kennel
boarding for the dogs that needed it is added up. Right now Faith's Hope Rescue and the dogs
need YOU!
Please consider making a donation to Faith's Hope Rescue to
help us continue to support these dogs Rosemary loves! To finally give her some HOPE and to remind
her for that we respect all she has done for so many.
Thank you in advance for your support:.TEAM ROSEMARY!!