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Help Eljona Bicja to get her surgery

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To our beautiful, helping, kind hearted community: We need your help to bring health and happiness to Eljona Bicja. Eljona is a 17-year-old teenage girl suffering with Scoliosis. Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty. As a teenager, she has struggle with daily tasks and ability to live a normal life like all other teenager girls. Her family is experiencing and living under expreme hardship unable to afford medical care required to treat her condition. This is common upon both males and females, but with females the longer the condition goes untreated, it impacts the females ability to have a family of her own.
With surgery, Eljona can live a normal life and was advised that her condition can be corrected at the American Hospital in Tirana, Albania.  Because, her surgery and recovery will be costly,  we ask that we come together as a community to change the life of this young girl.  Any amount is helpful and will be greatly appreciate it. 

Thank you, 
Drita Popovic, Juljana Hoxha and Lori Dilo on behalf of Eljona Bicja. 

Bellow please read a letter from Eljona explaining her conditions, daily living difficulties and the way it has been impacting her psychological health and family life.

"Pershendetje, une quhem Eljona Bicja, jam nje 17 vjecare nga Tirana. Kam nje moter dhe nje vella me te vogel. Po ju kontaktoj sepse kam nevoj per ndihmen tuaj.
Problemi im shendetsor nisi qe ne moshen 9 vjecare.  Kur mami vuri re problemin qe kisha, me coi te beja nje grafi pasi mendoi qe kisha nje ftohje te zakonshme, por mjeket zbuluan qe une kisha skoljoze te theksuar dhe vendosen qe duhet te beja urgjentisht operacion. 
Per arsye ekonomike, familja ime nuk e perballonte dot koston e operacionit dhe nuk e benim dot. Atehere mjeket nisen te me trajtonin me bust ose korse.  Vuajta shume nga korseja sepse ne fillim mu desh ta fusja veten ne allci, me pas, korseja ma merrte frymen, nuk ishte e rehatshme dhe ma beri mishin me plage mbas grafive te shpeshta.  Nuk kisha asnje permiresim dhe ushtrimet qe une beja me lodhnin shume dhe nuk po me permiresonin.  Keshtu u dorezova dhe nuk e mbaja me.   Tani ndjej shume dhimbje ne trup kur vrapoj, ose kur zbres shkallet kam marrje fryme.
Me nxoren ne KEMP ( qe eshte ndihme shendetsore ) e cila eshte vetem 65mij leke ($65) dhe nuk eshte e mjaftueshme, kjo shume nuk me del as per librat e shkolles.
Perfundimisht, me duhet ndihma juaj qe te te bej operacionin sa me shpejt, per arsye se kam shume dhimbje dhe nuk dua ti ndjej me.  Dua te kem nje jete normale me plot shoqeri dhe enderra dhe te jetoj dhe une si te gjithe shoqet e mia.  Ju lutem me ndihmoni ne se keni mundesi te krijoj fondet e ketij operacioni qe do me sheroi dhe ndryshoj jeten.
Do ju jem perjete mirenjohese.  Shume faleminderit qe e lexuat historine time.


  • Faton Ismaili
    • $50
    • 3 yrs
  • Ineda Djokaj
    • $50
    • 4 yrs
  • Anónimo
    • $50
    • 4 yrs
  • Anónimo
    • $50
    • 4 yrs
  • Shkelqim Ahmetaj
    • $50
    • 4 yrs

Equipo de recaudación de fondos: TEAM ELJONA (3)

Dee Popovic
New York, NY
Juljana Hoxha
Lori Dilo
Team member
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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe