URGENT Breast Surgery for Daisy
Tax deductible
We may be able to get the procedure down to $1600! Please help. APRIL 3, 2024 is the surgery date.
Daisy is a young Yorkshire Terrier that was diagnosed with multiple mammary nodules during her spay. She is in need of a surgical procedure to remove all of her breasts on the right hand side as soon as possible.
Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit Spay Neuter Assistance Program of Michigan, and any donation will help make an impact.
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
More information about Spay Neuter Assistance Program of Michigan: Spay Neuter Assistance Program of Michigan is an all volunteer 501c3 non profit organization. Our mission is to help Michigan residence on federal or state assistance to spay and neuter their dogs and cats. In turn reducing the pet overpopulation and need to euthanize so many each year. www.spayneuterassitanceprogramofmichigan.org
Ann Pinard Missad
Niles, MI
Spay Neuter Assistance Program of Michigan