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Family loses everything.

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My cousin Desiree was working out of town to try and get more hours to catch up on things. April 1 around 6pm her son noticed smoke coming from the house. We called 911 and they came but as you can see the house was a total loss. Desiree her boyfriend Eric and their son Tavis lost everything. They have the clothes on them and that's all. The money raised will be used will help them get back on their feet with clothes and household items. They didn't have insurance and I can assure you this money will be put to good use. Desiree doesn't ask for help ever she will work several jobs and long hours to make sure they have whay they need before she asks for help. Tavis is 16 and a good kid really into sports and just a normal teenage boy. Eric is a hard working guy and has helped raise Tavis the past year. If you would like to donate clothes or you have household items you no longer need you can text us for the address to drop them off. 3254502499 or Betsy at 3252774385.


Britani Coleman
San Angelo, TX

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