COMPLETE! Emergency- Help Save Sans
UPDATE 5/28/2016
Sansa is safe and home and healing and it's all thanks to you guys! Thank you so much for making sure my cat remains in the lives of myself and my family.
She will be having follow-up appointments weekly for the next four weeks until the vet is convinced the bone is going to set properly.
Thank you all so much for the time and effort you put into saving my cat. None of this would have been possible without you. Thank you thank you THANK YOU.
My name is Megan and I have two beautiful kittens named Sansa and Arya. I also have a son who is almost two years old.
Long story short, my son chased Sansa into a little nook on the side of our counter as she tried to get away from him. About twenty minutes later, I heard a pop (i think) and the poor thing started crying for help.
My husband and I broke the wood to get to her, and since we fished her out, srefuses to put any weight on her front right foreleg. I'm sure it's at least partially dislocated, maybe even broken, and at this point I can't even afford the consultation fee.
I need help to help my cat. Please, PLEASE consider giving, or at least boosting this, because I don't have much time. It's this or surrender at this point. I have a day, maybe two.
The funds are required ASAP; she's in a lot of pain and I'm doing my best to ease her suffering (thankfully she has her sister). She's alert, but she's clearly in distress.
You will not only have my profuse and eternal thanks, but that of my son, Roland, as well. He loves these cats; he treats them like little sisters, offering them food and cuddling them. Arya too would hate to be separated from her sister. I want to do what's best for my sweet cat, but I want to exhaust all my options first.
Please, please help.
EDIT; I'm adding rewards for levels of participation. I'll do whatever I can for you, if you donate. I'll walk your dog for a year. I'll draw you something, if you're outside Calgary. I'll play guitar at your kids birthday party. Write your damn essay for you, whatever it takes.
Second edit; Any money not spent will go back to you, the donors. I'm not here to take money from people that I don't need.
THIRD EDIT; The leg is broken really badly and she needs surgery right away. Please please please consider donating, at the money I have now I will have to amputate.