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Lou Paternoster Family

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We lost great man today. Lou had so many hats, of course his favorite to wear was his family hat, he was so proud of his family. Betty Jo, Brittany, Nick and Hailey lit the pathway of his life and he was proud every day to walk it. Fortunately for us Lou dedicated himself to serve the community of North Branford. Anyone who raised children in town, I can guarantee came into contact with him in one way or another. See there were quite a few other hats he wore, here’s just a few. Coach, referee, umpire, mentor, town council member, board of Education member and friend. If your child played sports he was in their life. His favorite was umpiring and refereeing whether he made the right call or what you believe was the wrong, what’s most important he was there to make the call. As an Ed Board and Council member, Lou was pretty unpolished, which he wore as a badge of honor. One thing you could count on, he was going to speak from his heart and was certainly going to speak his mind. To prove his dedication to our children he came out strong for a new high school as a Town Council member. What’s ironic, Lou passed the morning after it was approved. I can only hope he felt his wish came true. To ease some financial burden, I am now asking for the community he so loved to give back a little to his family, who was so gracious to loan him to ours.


Gary Cole
Northford, CT

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