William's Survival Fund For Surgery
My name is William. I am a 41 year old man. At the age of 34, the bottom-most floating rib on my left side collapsed inward from physical strain and formed a little "ledge." This trapped and bunched up my insides (stomach, lung, muscles, etc.), locked up my spine, paralyzed my stomach and digestive system, rendered me severely and chronically ill, and wasted my muscles away until the muscular fibers were so weak, they would tear and become permanently damaged with the slightest aggravation. After years of misdiagnoses, it was just discovered a month ago. By ME.
I live my life in excruciating pain. My arms are now so weak, they cannot hold themselves in the sockets any longer. They are permanently contracted and gimp from injuries. A few days ago, they just sagged right out of the ball joints and are stuck like that. Typing this is incredibly difficult. I do a bit each day. I just had to quit my writing job as the stress on my shoulder muscles from using a keyboard for hours at a time was pulling the muscle apart. I cannot drive, bend, reach, squeeze, push, pull, dress myself, lift anything, take a shower, or open most doors. I wake up each day terrified that I'm still alive. My entire life revolves around trying not to hurt myself again. That's all I do.
I need a place to live, food, nursing care, and to pay my medical insurance so I can last long enough to get into a thoracic surgeon and have this rib fixed so I can rehab and start working again. Without money, I have no way to last until then. I am not physically able to sleep or survive in the woods or a shelter. This is a life or death situation for me, and while I would love to leave the hell of this body, I want to see this last chance through before I give up. I just want to remember what it feels like to be a human being. Even if it's only a little while each day.
I need to move in less than a month and need to last until (and through) surgery. Any help is most welcome. I just want a life that's not 100% about sickness, suffering, and pain. That's all I want. Before I die, I'd like to remember a happy day or two.
Thanks to everyone who's read this far, and if you can't help me, help someone close to you. A ride, some food, a favor, advice, or just your friendship. I am taking money with no means of giving it back. At the least, let my post be the trigger for you to help someone else in need.
Thank you.
p.s. My arms are almost dead. I will update when I have the strength.