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Reward for Danny's killer

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Early Friday morning someone entered the Jefferson Hills Motel and shot 78 year old Dehnad, (Danny or The Chief) Taiedi. He fought hard, but unfortunately not hard enough. He was robbed for pennies. They robbed him at the business his wife Linda and him opened in 2001. Since Linda's passing in 2013 The Chief worked the motel tirelessly. He never stopped and retired.

I am his granddaughter and with the support of our family we are raising the funds.

We are now looking to raise money to put out a reward to search and bring his killer to justice. Please help us find this person.

We have raised enough funds for the reward. We will be awarding money to anyone with information on the man the U.S. Marshals are searching for.

If the U.S. Marshals and the local ploice departments and detectives find the man without information from the public we will be donating the money to the local Jefferson Hills Police Department and the Allegheny County Detectives. We have an officer and detecitve in the departments who will meet with us and accept the check on all of your behaves. 


  • Doug Khorey
    • $20
    • 8 yrs


Ashley Nebel
Jefferson Hills, PA

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