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Sweet Dreams Baby Boy

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I don't even know where to begin. It was either SIDS or a serious heart problem that we didn't know about. We are still waiting for the medical examiner to call us back.
My worst fear. Something that I've always been so afraid of, has happened. I lost my baby boy to something I couldn't protect him from. I just wish I had one last time to hold, cuddle him. Nourish him with my milk. Just to hear him laugh one more time.
He was the happiest most flirtatious boy you'd ever seen. His smile, his laugh, his cuddles. That's all I needed to get through the day everyday. Anyone he's met, anyone's that seen his picture and seen a video of him, he melted your heart. I just can't accept the fact that my boy's gone. It still felt like a dream that I even carried and birthed such a beautiful angel.
The only way I can see this is that this is a fuxked up world. He was a warrior, but he was too good for earth. So God took him to be with his little brother, all of his aunties uncles grandmas and grandpas. Please pray for me, my Saidee, and for the rest of my family. We need as much love and support as we can get. Any donations would be GREATLY appreciated. I love you all. ❤️



  • Anonym
    • $15
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Ashley Davis
Arlington, VA
Yolanda Sanchez-Pena

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