Main fundraiser photo

In loving memory of FLORIN STANCIU

Donation protected
(English version follows the Romanian one)

Dragi prieteni ai lui Florin,
Asa cum multi dintre voi stiti deja, dupa plecarea atit de timpurie dintre noi a iubitului nostru Florin, am planuit sa plantam un pom si sa construim o banca in memoria lui, intr-un loc in care sa putem sa ne ducem oricind ca sa ne gindim la el, la bunatatea lui, la dragostea pe care a avut-o pentru noi toti. Sa petrecem acolo, pe bancuta lui, un moment de reculegere pentru Florin si viata lui scurta dar atit de plina de frumos pe care a trait-o in mijlocul nostru. 
Cele doua optiuni pe care le-am ales pentru parc sunt urmatoarele:
1. parcul Marilyn Bell de pe Lakeshore W, in Toronto, care e in zona in care a locuit el, un parc in care stiu ca mergea adesea
2. Toronto Music Garden, un mic parc in Toronto, pe malul lacului Ontario, la piciorul lui Bathurst Street, un parc in care am fost impreuna cu el, in care vara au loc mereu concerte in aer liber.
Ambele optiuni sunt accesibile si cu transportul in comun, asa ca oricine va dori oricind sa mearga la bancuta si pomul lui, o va putea face cu usurinta. 
Cele doua optiuni pentru pom sunt:
1. Sugar Maple
2. Freeman Maple "Autumn Blaze".
Le-am ales pe acestea atit pentru ca stiu ca ii placeau mult culorile de toamna ale frunzelor de artar, dar si pentru ca stiu ca, pe linga faptul ca a iubit enorm Romania, 'acasa' lui dintotdeauna si locul in care a ales sa se intoarca pentru a-si duce acolo somnul de veci, a iubit, a respectat si a apreciat Canada si tot ceea ce a primit din partea ei. Stiu ca si-ar fi dorit enorm sa poata sa continue sa-si arate dragostea pentru tara lui de adoptie si in felul in care putem sa o facem aceia dintre noi care traim aici, daruindu-si cu generozitate munca si cunoasterea pentru o societate care l-a primit cu bratele deschise, insa... n-a fost sa fie. Artarul care va fi plantat in numele lui va fi o picatura in plus de frumusete adaugata orasului in care a trait, pentru bucuria tuturor celor care vor trece pe linga el si vor avea un gind trecator pentru anonimul Florin Stanciu - micul nostru Om Mare...
Va multumesc din toata inima tuturor celor care veti participa la construirea bancutei si plantarea pomului lui Florin - atit celor care pot sa participe financiar, cit si celor care nu pot sa o faca decit cu un gind si o rugaciune. 

Cu toata dragostea si recunostinta,

PS. Costul plantarii pomului este de $738 (inclusiv placuta), iar costul construirii bancutei este de $2530 (inclusiv placuta). Toate detaliile legate de programul comemorativ oferit de City of Toronto se gasesc la

Plata trebuie facuta anticipat, odata cu cererea - imediat ce va fi facuta (zilele urmatoare, in cursul saptaminii 6-11 iunie) am sa va anunt.


Dear friends of Florin,

Many of you might know already that, after Florin’s premature passing away, we planned to plant a tree and build a bench in his memory, somewhere where we could go anytime, to think of him, to reminisce about his kind soul and love he had for us all. To sit on his bench and keep a moment of silence for his short but beautiful life, lived among us.

The two options that were chosen for the park are:

1.   Marilyn Bell Park on Lakeshore W, in Toronto, located in the area where he lived, a park where he often went

2.   Toronto Music Garden, a small park in Toronto, at the bottom of Bathurst Street, where there are many open air concerts during the summer.

Both options are accessible also by common transportation, so that everybody would be able to go to visit his little place anytime.

For the tree, the two options are:                                                        

1.   Sugar Maple

2.   Freeman Maple “Autumn Blaze”.

They were chosen in the first place because he loved so much the maple leaves fall colours, but also because I know that, beside his undying love for Romania, he loved, respected and appreciated Canada and all this country did for him. He wished so much to be able to continue to show his love for the country that adopted him in the way we all try to do, by generously giving his work and skills to the society that received him with open arms, but… it was not meant to be. The maple tree that will be planted for him will add a dash of beauty to the city where he lived, for the enjoyment of all the passersby that will briefly think about the anonymous Florin Stanciu – our little Big Man…


I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, both those that will be able to financially sustain this fundraising, and those that will only be able to help us with a kind thought and a prayer.


With all my love and gratitude,



PS. The cost for planting the tree is $738 (including the plaque), and the one for building the bench is $2530 (including the plaque). All details related to the commemorative program offered by the City of Toronto can be found at

The payment must be made together with the application – as soon as I will make it (during the week of June 6-June11


  • Ovi Crisan
    • $50
    • 8 yrs


Mariana Gavriliu
Mississauga, ON

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