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Medical Fund for Liam, Ty & Bridger

Spende geschützt
On Saturday June 4, Ty, Liam and Bridger were in a terrible car accident.  Liam was life flighted from the scene of the accident to Missoula.  He was then air lifted to Harborview in Seattle, WA.  Ty was also air lifted to Seattle for his injuries.  Becca flew with Liam and is currently in Seattle with him and Ty.

Liam has a fractured spine and is currently in surgery. He has a broken femur and pelvis.  Ty has multiple fractures in his face as well as a broken neck and back.  He will be getting reconstructive surgery on his face and his back also needs to be operated on.  

Bridger was kept overnight in Missoula for observation.  He is pretty banged up with bruises and scratches but will be released from the hospital today.  

Any donation will be much appreciated.  They will go to help Becca with any medical, travel and everyday living expenses.  She will be in Seattle for an undetermined amount of time.


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Rebecca Visser
Missoula, MT
Rebecca Ralls

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