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Shane Hartje's Rehabilitation Fund

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On June 5th, 2016 our friend and fellow dirt bike rider Shane Hartje sustained a severe injury to his T7 vertabrae leaving him currently with paralysis below the chest. The future is uncertain, only time will tell, however we know that the next few months are going to be critical for Shane's recovery. Shane is unable to work in his current state and the cost to recover can add up quickly over time. The crew at Capitol Motosports wanted to create a fund in order to help Shane and his family cover any expenses they may incur due to his injury. This is our way as a community to show our love and support for Shane and his family during this difficult time.



  • Tina Charney
    • $40
    • 6 yrs


Dave Rand
Winnipeg, MB

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt