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Fighting For The Twins

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Let me introduce you to two people who are incredibly stubborn and never ask for an ounce of help. Especially financially. These two are some of the most hard working and responsible individuals I know. My brother in law, Kyle Harrop is a Police Officer for the city of Winter Springs in East Orlando and his wife, my baby sister, Megan Harrop is in management for a local company. Both of them work crazy hours, and yet still have find time to spend with their families and raising an incredible 2 year old girl, Aubrey, who has been a breeze of a child to raise. 

Earlier this year, they both decided they wanted to try to add to their family.

Obviously Kyle hoped for a boy. What father wouldn't want his own son.
After months of trying... The secret slowly came out. Yet again, Megan wasn't feeling well. This time it was more intense, she was sicker, her headaches much worse and she tired out much easier. After some time went by, they announced that they were expecting twins!!! Twins runs in Kyle's family, so it didn't shock many of us. Of course, once again Kyle hoped at least of the babies be a boy. When it came time to find out the genders... the doctor accidentally told both expecting mommy and daddy that they were having two little girls. Thats when Kyle knew he was doomed to be in a house full of strong willed women. The couple at that same time found out that the twins were expected to be identical, and shared a placenta. 

At that time, the doctor advised to Megan that she would be considered high risk from 12 weeks of pregnancy until delivery. Everything was going smoothly up until 1 week ago. Megan was put on bed rest as she was having issues with pain. While she was on bed rest, she was regularly following up with her high risk team, and that is when they discovered that one of the girls wasn't developing as quickly as the other and was essentially being starved of blood, oxygen and essential nutrients for detrimental growth, known as TTTS ( stage 1) . While following up with the team, the couple also learned that it was evident that there was Stage 2 TAPS  as well as SIUGR. TTTS only occurs in 10% of identical twin pregnancies, and this was the odds they were dealt with. 

The doctor informed both Megan and Kyle that if they did not follow through with immediate corrective emergency surgery to fix the blood flow from the twins that they would most definitely lose both of the girls. Within 24 hours, they were in Wellington Florida at Wellington Regional seeking life saving surgery for their unborn babies. That is where they found Dr. Quintero, who is well known for preforming the life saving fetal surgery that they needed. Within hours of arriving, Dr. Quintero had Megan in the operating room, and Kyle standing by in hopes that his wife, his rock, the mother of their amazingly spunky 2 year old and the women carrying their precious miracles makes it out and healthy. 

The surgery was to last 2 hours... some time came and went but then the announcement came. The surgery was a complete success! But here's the hard part... the couple is now having to pay completely out of pocket for this surgery. They thought that their insurance would cover 40% of the procedure, but last minute they discovered that they had not yet met their annual deductible. Of course contemplating this, was beyond out of question.

They have completely depleted their savings account and had to pay out of pocket so far $14,000.00 to save their girls. They are not completely out of the woods yet, and any help would be completely appreciated for this couple. A women who is all about her family and her career and a man that is devoted to his community and family beyond belief.



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    • $20
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  • Adam Colangelo
    • $200
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  • Jenny Kruer
    • $200
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    • $15
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Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Katlyn Elbon
Orlando, FL
Megan Elbon-harrop

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