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Help Jules Get A Service Dog

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(TW: mentions of self-harm and suicide.) Hi everyone! My name is Jules, I’m a 21 year old college student, and I’m raising money to afford a Psychiatric and Mobility Service Dog for PTSD, Chronic Joint Pain, Depression, Migraines, Severe Anxiety, and several other chronic conditions. I’ve struggled with mental illness my entire life, but recently, my symptoms have become debilitating and frequently impair daily functioning. I’ve had multiple hospitalizations in the last several years, struggled with chronic self-injury and suicide attempts, and am unable to sleep most nights due to fear of PTSD nightmares. I also dissociate both at home and in public on a weekly basis, which is dangerous. My conditions can become so severe at times that I am unable to perform basic self-care tasks. Chronic pain flare-ups are almost daily and I’m frequently unable to move in order to get my medication. I’ve utilized every resource available to me, including meds, ER visits, therapy, and incredible amounts of social support. At this point, a Service Dog would be able to meet my remaining medical needs. A Psychiatric and Mobility Service Dog would be professionally trained for a variety of medical tasks. This includes bringing me medication for both mental illness and severe chronic pain triggered by stress, applying Deep Pressure Therapy to end panic attacks, grounding me to reality when I’m dissociating, and waking me up when I’m having a trauma nightmare. The dog would also be trained to prevent me from self-harming, such as scratching myself while dissociating or more intentional forms of harm. They would also be trained to go get help from another person when I’m unable to, accompany me in public to keep me safe, and much more. A Service Dog would also give me a reason to go outside for walks, get out of bed in the morning, and look forward to each new day. The process for getting a Service Dog is a lengthy and expensive one, but I believe my quality of life would significantly improve with this kind of help. I am immensely grateful for any assistance I get, whether that be you sharing this link or donating some spare change. Every bit helps and brings me closer to a better life.


  • Anonym
    • $5
    • 3 yrs
  • Alexandra Dean
    • $25
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $10
    • 3 yrs
  • Emily Baumbach
    • $10
    • 3 yrs
  • Sophie Pfister
    • $5
    • 3 yrs


Jules Rylan
Columbus, OH

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