The Lisa Gould Fundraiser
lisa was diagonsed with cervical cancer in june 2014 we thought our hearts had been ripped out of our chests when we got the news little did we no it was the start of a long draining 2 year battle which she still continues today.everything happened pretty quickly from then . it all started from a simple smear test at the doctors we new by the nurses face something was most definitley wrong she could see how aggressive it was without even doin any tests .lisa went for a biopsy at hull womens and childrens not long after the smear they also said they could see something was wrong we were given leaflets to take home but honestly most of it was a blare to us .after test results were back lisa began her first chemotherapy which lasted 9 weeks and consisted of once a week sessions which knocked the hell out of her and broke my heart seeing her so weak they was long days the chemo days but with me and the kids laid next to her for the 2 days it knocked her out we got by .inbetween the july and sept of 2014 lisa also had radiotherapy and brachytherapy which took the hell out of her and took her off her feet for days .in december of 2014 lisa was wat they call in remition we were absoultley over the moon felt like wed won the lottery .in early 2015 lisa went back for an mri which revealed our worst fears it was back .it had gone into lisas lymphnoids in her groin which resulted in more stronger chymo as she had already had to much radio this chemo this resulted in a womans worst nightmare her hair began to come out .after the third cycle of chemo they had to take lisa off it as it was causing allergic reactions .the chemo then made the tumours go to sleep as they say and we began to get on with life best we could as a family we married on the 22nd of may 2015 which out weighed all of what had happened it was the best day of our lifes apart from our kids been born we even had a cheeky honey moon in torquey weeks after we got back lisa started with side affects from the radiothearpy which caused lymphoedema in her right leg her leg had swollen that much there was a litre and half of water in her leg it started as a mild case we went back 3 months later it had progressed lisa was struggling with this pain in her leg a lot and complained many a time she also started getting very bad pain in her stomach we went to see an emergency doctors on which they did a wee sample they said they needed to refair lisa as things were showing up not good things her kidneys want functioning propley .lisa was then admitted to castle hill on the 6th of june 2016 were she stayed a week while in there she had an mri and ultra sound to see if it was a blood clot they had seen unfortunatly it wasent just a blood clot lisas cancer has spread to her muscle in her groin and her pelvic wall which we have been told it is no longer a tumour it is a flat mass that is very aggressive and uncureable lisa has been offered chemo again which will only ease the pain we have always told the consultant to be honest with us he said we have months .were not giving up though were fighting this with the love help and support of everyone we no we can do this we want to raise some money to try some treatment and get lisa some home comforts just to make it as less stressful as it can be if that is even possible we live in a good close community and i no i can count on ur support to help us raise our target thankyou for reading my story love and light to all xxx