Gemma's Guthrie's College Fund
Gemma graduates from Duluth East High School this June! Can you believe it? I certainly cannot. Now it is time for thinking about the future and what, when, where and how are questions that all young adults face. For Gemma as a special needs, autistic young lady these questions are even more dauting then for other kids. We have most of the answers to these questions already like....
What would Gemma like to do after high school? She in her own words said "I would like to learn to take care of myself and do things by myself".
I know I like many other parents would like to delay the enevitable but Gemma is an adult now and there is no time like the present!
Some place that can teach her independence, social skills, how to keep a job, how to keep friendships....the list goes on and on. That place is Minnesota Life College!!!
Well that is the biggest question of all. How I can get Gemma to this amazing, life changing college is the biggest challege I have ever faced (and most of you know I have faced some doozies!)
The how is why I am here asking again for help to send my sweet Gemma to college.
Last summer you, my friends were so generous that I was able to send Gemma to MLC's summer internship. That experience was life changing for us both. We both grew, Gemma as an independent girl and me as her mom, learning she is capable of so much in her life, given the opportunity.
I encourage you to go online and see for yourself that Minnesota Life College is an amazing place. They are changing peoples lives with the things they teach. It is a specialized school and unfortunately
does not offer Federal Financial Aid. It is expensive but soooooo worth it. Here is the Link....
Minnesota Life College
While Gemma is away, I know I am going to miss her more than words can say. I know I will shed a few (many) tears if/when she is off to college. I just know in my heart this is the best possible place for her.
Thanks for considering helping me...helping Gemma have a bright future.