Yolanda Reyna’s Medical and Family Expenses
Donation protected
Hello everyone,
I am a family member who is assisting in creating this gofundme and raising funds for the family. We are coming here today to ask for prayers. On Thursday February 16, 2023 Yolanda Reyna was on her way to The Temerarios concert when a suspect in a pick up truck who was fleeing from LAPD went through a red light and slammed into Yolanda’s small compact vehicle. The suspects had no regard to human life and this could have happen to anyone. Unfortunately, Yolanda was severely injured and is currently fighting for her life. Yolanda has three children the youngest being 12 years old. The money raised will go towards medical expenses and any other expenses for the family since they will need to provide for the 12 year old as Yolanda was a single mother and his sole provider. Any donations will be greatly appreciated. Please share and keep Yolanda in your prayers. Thank you and God bless. Attaching link to news report of the incident.
Hola a todos,
Estamos hoy pidiendo horaciones para Yolanda Reyna. El dia Juves 16 de Febrero Yolanda iva en camino al Concierto de Los Temerarios. Dos sospechosos quien la policia de Los Angeles perseguia en una troca pick up se pasaron una luz roja y se estrello con el carro de Yolanda. Los sospechosos no tubieron ninguna importancia sobre su alrrededor. Desafortunadamente Yolanda sufrio graves heridas y ahora esta luchando por su vida. Yolanda tiene 3 hijos y el menor tiene solo 12 anos. Cualquier dinero rrecaudado sera para cubrir gastos medicos y para apoyar a su hijo menor. Yolanda es madre soltera quien con mucho esfuerso siempre salio adelante con sus hijos. Cualquier donacion es apreciada y tambien si pueden compartir. Porfavor mantengan a Yolanda en sus horaciones. Gracias y que dios los bendiga.
R Mercado
Los Angeles, CA