Help baby Adam Hendrix
Our son, Adam Hendrix, was born June 11th, 2016. He was born with totally unexpected medical issues. He hasnt left the NICU since he was born, and is currently staying in Dell childrens hospital. At this point, nobody knows exactly what is wrong with him. All we know is there is a very large tumor in his back from the middle down to the bottom of his spine. He is paralyzed from the waist down, and doctors are thinking its long term. He's had one small biopsy, but theyre looking for more answers. He is scheduled to have a large majority of the tumor removed 06/22/16. At this tile we are asking for a little help with house bills, and childcare costs for our other 2 children, so we can both be here at the hospital with him as much as possible. Anything ks deeply appreciated. Every oenny amd every share. Thank you.